Chapter 23

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            I'm thankful to be led back to Theo's cabin. I need time to try and make sense of everything that I've been told. My head is spinning, thinking about how I escaped a death sentence, multiple times now. But who could have sentenced me to it? I thought I was a decent person, never really overly nice, but also never really mean to anyone—On purpose that is. What did I possibly do to deserve this? I really hope it wasn't due to some sarcastic misunderstanding.

It's Axel who interrupts me from my top bunk above Theo. "If we're going to be bunking together, I should formally welcome you. They are so bad about easing the newbies into this place."

I sit up, looking down at Axel sitting on his bed. I climb down at Theo's invitation to sit with him on his.

"Thank you, Axel. I appreciate it," I say with a smile that doesn't reach my eyes. Am I losing my charming touch?

Theo looks at me, reading my mind before I reregister my important thoughts. "I know you have more questions. Let's see how we can do."

I hate how my stomach does a little flip at his consideration. I feel like a kid with a silly crush again. Luckily, thinking of what to ask firsts distracts me. "Have you learned more about what happens to other runaways? The ones who have and have not been caught. I've only heard rumors and I know I was scheduled for termination after Cameron..." I shudder at the word, or at a draft, and don't feel the need to finish.

Theo looks uncomfortable, placing a hand on mine. He doesn't quite make eye contact as he answers. "Many people who run away from their Posting, in any Field, or are somehow against the Law, are found dead. You probably already know this because it's rare and news-worthy. What I've learned here is that a lot of those deaths are staged as a body is never recovered and the person is assumed dead and lost, taking any blame off of the Forces. Some get caught and their cases are silently dealt with, most likely with one of the fabricated stories told to their innocent families. Some actually disappear to places like this or get a chance to flee the country and start over."

His response doesn't surprise me, but also doesn't make me feel any less sick about my situation. What type of monster decided to subject people to this zombie lifestyle as a punishment? Who decided killing people was better than letting them change their Field? This only drives me to want to get Layla out of her Posting sooner. I need find out how and by whom the Fields were created.

"Places like this?" What he said finally registers with me.

"Rick is in communication with other camps. He is part of a whole network across the country with at least one safe haven in each region. The Collective has an advantage with being so far north and close to the boarder," Theo informs me. "I had to ask to get this information out of him though."

"While we're being so positive and reminiscing," Axel interrupts, "let me tell you about what you're too scared to ask about: my arm, or lack thereof. I'll throw in some information about the other curious cast of characters who you met earlier for the low price of a single kiss." Is he messing with me?

"Don't be a pig, Axel." Theo tells him in disgust.

"Don't get your panties in a bunch, Theo-dore. It was only a joke. Unless of course you would like to, Emma...?" Theo throws a pillow at Axel who blocks it with his amputated arm.

I can feel Theo's body temperature rising and the daggers he's shooting across the room. I only shake my head at Axel.

"My apologies, Emma. I'll be on my bestest behavior from now on. I swear, Theo-dore."

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