Chapter 57

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"If you hide from all the storms, how will you grow?" -Unknown


Listening suggestion: Colorblind by Mokita


(Y/N)'s POV

It was New Year's Eve.  Shoto and I had moved out of UA for a while so that we wouldn't endanger the rest of the students there, if I were to be found. We were far away from the city, in an apartment that Shoto's brother owned, but let us use while he was away. It was too dangerous to show my face outside. 

Whether the agency had a lead on Shoto or not, we had no clue, but he agreed to be cautious in going to and from the house. Today, however, he was being especially secretive and he wouldn't tell me why.

"Where are you going?" I asked, curled up on the couch with a blanket. I practiced my force fields by bringing the TV remote to me, then my phone, and when I got my confidence up, my cup of tea from the kitchen. Sometimes I couldn't get it to come back to me though, and I lost control.

Shoto looked at me as he put on his jacket. He was about to respond when the spoon I was currently holding with my quirk swerved in mid-air and whacked him in the back of the head. 

 "Sorry!" I released the field and the spoon fell to the ground. I got off the couch and ran to him.

"It was just a spoon," he said, rubbing his head.

"But still. What if it was a bedpost?" 

Shoto smirked. "Next time I'll see it coming."

I reached for his hands and started playing with his fingers. " didn't answer the question. Where are you going?" I looked up at him using doe eyes.

"It's a secret," he whispered as he began to tilt his head in a way that meant he wanted to kiss me. He moved forward, making me move backwards until I got pushed up against the nearest wall. With one hand he slowly took both of mine and held them above me, holding them against the wall. With the other hand he traced my collarbone with his thumb. Finally his mouth collided with mine, his hot breath filling me.

We had only been living together for a little more than a week. I could see why putting to lovestruck hormonal teenagers together in a living space was looked down upon. First, we were clearly too young to be officially living together. Second, we made out a lot. So much that it was hard for us to get near each other without some serious mouth and tongue interaction. Every time he touched me or I touched him, a sexual sensation coursed through me and I felt the need to kiss every square inch of his body. Though we had not done "the deed" yet, I feared that we might someday soon out of impulse and possibly ruin our relationship. I was afraid that I would start to see Shoto as a means of satisfying my sexual needs and have that be as deep as our relationship meant. I was experiencing a deep, rare love with this boy, so why would we want to waste something so precious on sex? We were only fifteen and barely sixteen.

Shoto was now kissing along my neck and moving down my chest. I could feel his warm breath down the front of my shirt.

"Shoto," I said, in a voice that implied I wanted him to stop.

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