Chapter 6

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"I don't know what lies around the bend, but I'm going to believe that the best does." ~Lucy Maud Montgomery


♪Listening suggestion: State of Grace by Taylor Swift


The next morning, (Y/N)'s POV

     I yawned as I woke up to an abundant amount of sunlight pouring into the room. I had slept surprisingly well, for the first night in a hotel.

     Next to me, Nachika was still sleeping and on my other side, my phone was still on the pillow. I picked it up to see the time.

     To my utter shock, my call with Shoto had continued through the night. The call timer counted nine hours and thirty-seven minutes. He must've fallen asleep shortly after me.

     I raised the device to my ear and listened.

     Sure enough, I could hear Shoto breathing, fast asleep. It was even and peaceful, and to me actually kind of cute.

     I finally hung up. I decided to send him a text right at this moment, before I changed my mind.

     Thank you for helping me go to sleep. You're a really good storyteller, tell me the end of the story sometime, would you?


     I put the phone away and sank back into the bed. He's a really good friend, that is, if he wants to be friends. What if he does this to everyone? Every girl? A strange feeling bubbled up inside me as the thoughts clouded my mind. Was it normal that I wanted to be the only girl?


Two weeks later, (Y/N)'s POV

     I was in Osaka for two long weeks, working on the mission. When it was finally over and we'd done our part, the four of us were at last allowed to return home. (Or, what we called home.)

     During the two weeks, Shoto and I had started texting when we both had the time. I learned a lot about him; like that he was the youngest and he had a brother and a sister*, he had what I thought was an extremely enviable quirk - that he could shoot both fire and ice from his body - and that he wanted to be a great hero one day. He never talked about his mother, and only a little about his father. I did learn that his father was the number two hero Endeavor, which I had to say was pretty impressive. However, whatever he said about his father was extremely negative and bitter, but he never got into any details as to why.

     I let it remain a mystery. I could tell he had some kind of past that he'd rather not talk about, and I respected that.

     The most painful part was when he would ask about me. I tried my best to keep it as close to the truth as possible, but it was still quite far from it. I said that I lived with my brother, my cousin, and her boyfriend in an apartment half an hour away from my school. When he asked about my quirk, I just told him I had none, that I was quirkless. I mean, I couldn't use it, so I might as well say that I didn't have one. Overall, I tried to say as little as possible.

     I was scared, though. What if...he eventually found out? He'd be so hurt, that I lied to him. But what other choice did I have?

     I came back to school the day after we flew back. Mikura greeted me with nothing but chastening.

     "(Y/N)! How dare you leave me alone in history! When were you going to tell me that you were going to be gone for two whole weeks?!"

     "I'm sorry, Mikura," I apologized. While I was in Osaka, I had found time to talk to Mikura as well, and also tell my teachers I wouldn't be in class for a while. The annoying part was that I never knew how long I'd be away on a mission, so I always said, "for a while."

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