Chapter 53

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"Because in the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer, is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing you have left is a hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be."  - L.J. Smith, The Vampire Diaries


♪Listening suggestion: Everything I Wanted by Billie Eilish


Shoto's POV

     There was pipe, I was able to find the source of the merciless amount of water dumping into the room. I could only assume that the officials knew we were alive down here, and this was their last resource to obliterate us.

     I ran back to (Y/N) and slipped her shirt from over her head, since I was already using mine for her wound. I hoped that when she woke up she wouldn't be upset that she was only in her bra, but that was the least of my worries. I stuffed her shirt into the pipe, which helped slow the flow.

     The only chance we had was the vent.

     I put all my strength into it, trying to yank the door loose. I pulled and pulled, until I could feel my hands bleeding from the stress. It wasn't moving, and I was panicking more than I ever had before. Is this how we're going to die?

     Reaching to feel (Y/N)'s pulse, it was still a relief to know she was still breathing. However at the same time, if she had died from blood loss already, would it feel less heavy if I drowned by myself in this room? Would it be less of a burden dying alone, instead of us dying together and knowing I couldn't save her? What if she finally woke up, realizing that she was going to drown and there was nothing I could do to stop it?

     How will this end? I thought to myself, the water in the room rising every minute. By this time it was swirling around my calves. 

     I forced myself to stop thinking and just work on getting the vent open. I can't give up . . . 


*flashback to one month ago*

     I was running my third mile on the treadmill, sprinting at a rigorous pace. I wasn't tired yet, but (Y/N) who was running beside me was nearly out of breath.

    "Shoto . . ." she panted, "I can't go for much longer."

    I smirked. I had dared her to keep up with me for five miles, and she accepted. "You can slow down if you want."

     (Y/N) rolled her eyes. "But then that means I lose the dare!"

     "Well you're the one that's complaining that you can't keep going." Personally I thought she was adorable when she was in this mood.

      "Ugh, fine! I'll keep going. I'm not losing this dare."

     About twelve minutes later, we finished the fifth mile with sweat dripping down our backs and foreheads. (Y/N) looked like she was about to pass out.

     "Are you okay?" I asked. I passed her a towel for her face.

     She was breathing hard, and held up one finger to tell me she still needed to catch her breath.

     "We can lift weights for now, if you want," I suggested.

     "No," she breathed, "I slept on my shoulder wrong last night and I can't move it all the way right now. Kaito had to do my ponytail for me."

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