Chapter 58

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"How do you move on? You move on when your heart finally understands that there is no turning back." -J.R.R. Tolkien


♪Listening suggestion: The Only Hope for Me is You by My Chemical Romance


(Y/N)'s POV

I heard a gunshot. It was a miss, but it drew the attention of the surrounding civilians to my fleeting silhouette.

Breathing was hard, yet somehow I managed to run to the complete opposite end of the park in a flash. I fumbled in my bag for my gun as I dashed into a secluded ally. If there was going to be a fight, I wanted as few people as possible to notice, and I was determined to make this quick.

I turned around to face those in pursuit of me. I aimed my gun right at man in front.

My instincts were correct, there were indeed three. All of them taller and larger than me. I didn't know if they were able to trace my location from the call as fast as it seemed, or if they were already in the area. If the latter, there were more coming.

One of the men said to the first man, "Are you sure that's her? Doesn't look like her."

"Oh it's her,"  the man in front answered, "her hair's just cut short. Besides, she ran, didn't she?"

I pulled the trigger. My bullet went flying past the first man, to the man who had first spoken. It hit him square in the side.

The man howled in pain, collapsing to the ground. The other two aimed their guns at me and rushed me.

There was no time to think. I had to kill all of them, it was too dangerous to let any one of them live.  I shot the second man in a split second, landing the bullet in his forehead. He shrank to the ground in a pool of dark blood, dead on the spot.

The last man was the largest and came at me fast. Suddenly he'd knocked my gun out of my hand before I could think and slammed me to the ground. I was lucky that I didn't get the wind knocked out of me.

"You think you can outsmart us? Just because you changed your hair and you're a chick with a gun it doesn't mean shit. And we know about your friend, the boy with the red and white hair?" He had a grip on my arms and was completely on top of me. He had his gun pointed on my throat.

My forehead was sweating a storm. I needed to convince him not to kill me. 

"Well?!" I seethed. "If you kill me now, you'll never know where he is. He knows everything I know and he'll tell everyone. He's also right behind you."

The man's head whipped around and I seized the opportunity to force my arms out of his grasp and grab my knife. I unsheathed it and slashed him clear across the neck. Then I snatched the gun he was holding, pulled the trigger and shot him square in the head. The body fell limp over me, nearly crushing me.

I coughed a little, struggling to breath under the massive man's weight. I wiggled my way with hard effort out from under the body. I collected my knife, gun, and the man's gun and put them in my bag. I glanced at my phone, which read that I had eight missed calls from Shoto. Oops. I'll have to text him on the train back. He's going to be so pissed.

I went to the second man I had shot, and took his weapon too. Then I turned to the man I had wounded first, the one that was still alive.

"P-please, don't kill me," he stuttered. The expression on his face was parallel to a terrified prey animal.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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