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"Yeah. Lisa texted me that you got your phone back...And that you're feeling better?" Yoongi says after a bit of a pause. He sounds very unsure.

"Ah, yeah. I'm ok. How are you guys doing?" I ask. I did not expect him to call me.
"Apparently better than you" he says, but I couldn't see his expression to compare to his stoic voice.

"That was a joke. Anyway, I'm glad to hear you're doing better. I'll talk to you later" he says and very quickly hangs up before I could say anything back.

It's nice that he called me.

My next call was with Mom and Dad. We talked for about ten minutes. Mom saying she felt guilty for not being there and not even being in the same continent. While Dad was happy everything is fine now and even wanted to accommodate me for after I get out. I refused, saying I can handle it myself.

It was nice hearing their voices again. I didn't feel so alone anymore.

Even Yoongi's voice.

I caught up on the news and it was hectic stuff man. I almost couldn't believe it was real.

For the following two weeks, I stayed in hospital, having a ton of calls with Lisa. I could finally leave after the coughing, headaches and loss of taste disappeared. Plus the negative result on the Covid test really helped.

I was finally free from my small room.

I thanked everyone who helped me out. I was escorted out with a wheelchair down the back door. Lisa couldn't pick me up inside.

Not that it was an issue for me.

The moment Lisa say me, she rushed over to give me a hug.

"You're free" she smiles, pulling away from the hug.
"And fragile so watch it" I tell her as I stand up. I was finally in ordinary clothes.

I thanked the nurse and Lisa helped me to the car.

"Not that fragile. I can walk just fine" I say as I create distance from Lisa and I before she can help me out again.

"This one" Lisa says as a car beeps.
"New car too?" I ask.
"New everything. We gotta sort for ourselves now, but that's ok because I have everything completely handled" she proudly says.

We get into the car, but she turns to me instead of starting the car.

"What do you want to do first?" she asks with excitement.
"Definitely a McFeast meal with coke."

Lisa shows off the new place that we're hiring for the time being and it was stunning. There was even a water feature.

Apparently, Lisa heard that the flow of water helps to clear the lungs. I rather not question it.

We ate a lot of food while watching movies. South Korea wasn't as badly hit as other countries so everything was still operational, even though the Coronavirus was declared as a pandemic.

Everything was going well until I had trouble breathing again.

"Oh god. Oh god" Lisa starts freaking out.
"It's the food. Give me a minute" I say as I take a minute to gather myself.

"Inhaler. Inhaler" she says, searching everywhere for the pump.
"Leave it. I'm fine" I say, finally catching my breath.

"Don't scare me like that" she says, gently slapping me on the arm.

"I also got a ventilator for you if you feel you need a boost" she says.

"I'm fine. I don't need all that stuff. Look, I can even run around and stuff" I say as I jump up and start jogging around the couch.

My Sister's shadow (BTS x reader)Where stories live. Discover now