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Apparently, Lisa walked all the way from her captors to the police station.

She didn't mention the part where she didn't have her shoes.

Then my phone rings very loudly, making me jump. I usually leave it on silent.

I was going to switch it back to silent until I notice who was calling.

"I gotta take this" I say to no one in particular and leave the room.

"(Y/N) speaking."
"I heard what happened. Why didn't you say anything sooner? We found out from Hybe" our manager says.

"I didn't think it would affect the company" I say. I was going to let them know if Lisa was gone for longer.

"First of all, hurtful. I care for her well-being. Second, they're asking us not to sue since it was a business trip and she was taken under Hybe's care" she says.

"We're still under them?" I ask, surprised.
"We signed an incomplete contract, meaning Covid changed circumstances" she continues.

"That shouldn't matter. Wouldn't they call Lisa about the issue since she is a single entity?" I ask.
"Lisa is our top singer so her well-being falls under the contract. We can essentially sue. I want to talk to Lisa about it, but she isn't answering her phone" she continues, leaving gaps about the story and explanation.

It doesn't sound right. It sounds like our company wants to earn whatever amount of money from this.

"Plus Hybe wants to discuss their relationship" Manager adds on.
"I'll get back to you. She'll give you a call" I say.
"Ok, great. I'm glad Lisa's alright" she says then hangs up.

I open the door and see Taehyung leaning against the wall.

"Where's your bathroom?" he asks with crossed arms.
"First door to your left" I say, trying not to look at him weirdly.

Was he trying to eavesdrop?

He heads off with a slight push from the wall.

"Who was that?" Lisa asks the moment I return.
"Our manager" I shortly say.

"I suppose it's about time we leave. Rest up. You've been through a lot" Namjoon says, looking at Lisa toward the end.
"I'm fine" Lisa waves it off.

"You're as pale as Yoongi" Hoseok says with concern.

Rather than a joke, it seems to be a genuine concern.

"And you're shaking" Jungkook says, gently placing a hand over Lisa's.

"I'm seriously fine" Lisa smiles.

"But I do think it's best if you all leave. Lisa needs a bit of space-with everything considering" I express my opinion, crossing my arms.

"(Y/N) is right. At least get a bit of rest" Seokjin backs me up before Lisa could protest. Lisa sinks a bit in dejection, not coming up with an argument fast enough.

"Please, feel free to call m-us if you need anything at all" Namjoon says, changing his mind quickly.

It seems I'm not the only one who caught his minor slip. Seokjin and Hoseok give a quick look to Namjoon.

Lisa and I walk them to the door.

"Thanks for the drinks" Taehyung quietly tells me as he is the last one to leave.

Did something happen? What's with the sudden change in attitude?

It's unnatural.

Lisa waves them goodbye by the door while I patiently wait by her side.

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