(2) Castaway

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*Mikey's Pov*

I wake up, hearing our alarm going off. I groaned, sitting up and turning it off. I flipped my blankets off, getting up out of bed. I walked over to the mirror, looking at my body. I ran my hand over my arm tattoos, I think we definitely need more, but Michael and Michaela are both against it. I walked into the bathroom, doing all of the things i needed to in there. I went back into the room, pulling out a pair of skinny jeans, and a black t-shirt. I pulled a black beanie onto my head, pulling my backpack up on my shoulder, and my phone into my pocket. I walked down the steps, entering the kitchen. Mum was standing at the stove, making pancakes. I took a seat, making myself a plate. I started to eat, and she turned around looking at me. "Good morning sweetie" 

"Hey mum"

She turned looking at me, already knowing who it was. "Have a good day at school Mikey. And please don't cause any trouble for Michaela and Michael."

I smirked, she's the only one who can fully tell the three of us apart. Even dad messes it up, he's always getting me and Michaela mixed up, even when i let my more American accent come out, he still can't tell us apart. "I won't mum, I promise."

"Alright, love"

Once I finished my pancakes, I stood up, walking out the door to  my car. I pulled out of the driveway, heading to school. I pulled into the parking lot, hopping out of my car. I pulled out my schedule, shit, I have no idea where I am going, I'm gonna have to ask someone. I walked towards the school, noticing the dude that picked on Michael yesterday when I was co-conscious. I started into the door, hearing the guy whistle towards me. I turned back around towards him, putting my middle finger up. I heard some of his friends laugh and him huff. I walked into the building, heading in the right direction hopefully. I noticed a dark haired kid walking towards me. "Michael, Hey, How'd you first day go yesterday?"

"It was good, all of my classes are alright."

"Well that's good! Do you remember your way back to your first period?"

"Ya, I think so."

"Well how about I lead you, Your heading in the wrong direction mate."

"Oh, thanks"

We turned around and he lead me to an Art classroom. I sat down and watched the greaser kids from outside come into the room, Their idiot leader, leading them all to the back. The teacher came into the room, beginning to teach the class. 

Once the bell rang, I stood up, walking out of the class. I headed to my second period, sitting down in my seat. I remember this class from yesterday, It has the cute little boy in it. But he doesn't look like he's here. The class started and the teacher handed out a project. About half-way through the class, the door opened, the cute little boy walking in. He had a cute little yellow jumper on with black skinny jeans. He handed the teacher a note, then started towards our table. That's until I heard a voice from behind me, " Oh look, the little fag's late. Where were you? Blowing someone?"

"That's enough Mr. Hemmings, or I will throw you out of my class."

The little boy quickly sat down beside me, not looking up, or making eye contact with me. He quickly began to do his work, not looking up once. I noticed dry tear marks on his cheeks. His eyes and cheeks were also red and puffy. He had his sleeves up over his hands, wiping his nose every couple of minutes. 

I leaned over towards him. "Hey little guy, are you alright?"

He looked over at me, then went back to his work quickly. A couple minutes later, I tried to talk to him again. He just looked up, giving me a weak, "I'm fine." Then went right back to work. I sighed, going back to working on my art project. 

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