Vol 1:

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A/N: enjoy the cringe

Espressos POV:

Espresso was talking to his sister, latte, on the phone while working.

"I'm just at my home doing my work..you know.." I say in my usual dull tone.

"Hey..I have a idea!" Latte says

"What is it?" I question

"Why don't me and some others come visit you at your house?" Latte says

I stay silent for a moment

"One: how does that have anything to do with our conversation and two: no." I respond

"One: it has nothing to do with it! And two: you don't get a say!" Latte responds. "We can invite strawberry crepe, snow sugar, Madeleine..ect!" She says.

I fell silent for moment, then "fine..you can make plans for that..but I have to go."

No ones POV:

Espresso hangs up the call and goes to the living room, 

"hey starlight!" Madeleine says as he sees espresso "you look in a rush, something troubling you? Do tell me!" He says in a cheery tone.

"Hey, I'm fine just..latte is forcing me to let a bunch of our friends come to our house."

"Oh that isint so bad, it's just we will have to tell them about..us..eventually!" Madeleine says

Espresso sits down next to Madeleine and buries his head into Madeleines chest, he lets out a soft chuckle

"I don't want to tell them! That's what!" Espresso says, angrily, and hugs Madeleine tight.

"Don't worry about it starlight! I'll tell them when the time comes~" he says and kisses the brunette on the forehead, he then chuckles and gets up "I'm gonna prepare for bed, love ya!"

Madeleines POV:

I leave espresso there to consider letting our friends come to our house, I wanna see our friends in person again! I haven't seem most of them in a while, besides latte, but she still doesn't about me and her brother.

I change my outfit and get into bed.

I lay there browsing my phone waiting for espresso to come.

Espressos POV:

I've decided to allow our friends to come,

I go to me and Madeleines shared room and see Madeleine already in bed looking at his phone

He perks his head up and smiles "hi starlight! Have you decided?" He asks

"Yeah, I'll allow it I guess." I said and change into my more comfortable clothes

(Yes in front of him, they're engaged, it's not that weird :/)

Madeleine had a cheeky smile and pat the bed next to him, I thought it was a bit weird but sat next to him anyways.

- time skip from nonsense -

It's later in the night, I'm having trouble sleeping, I just have my eyes closed while I'm cuddled into Madeleine, he's already asleep by the way. I just can't stop thinking tomorrow, latte told me everyone was coming over tomorrow.

(He talked about it with Madeleine while we was awake don't worry lol)


I flinch a bit when Madeleine talked "Essy..? You're still awake? Please sleep.." he said in a tired voice, not the kind of voice you imagined him having but I thought he sounded cute so I'm not complaining.

"Sorry Maddy-I'll go to sleep now!" I say confused on how he knew I was awake. I wasn't speaking out loud, was I?


I close my eyes again..and drift into sleep

Cheers to hoping tomorrow isn't chaos!

A/N: end of chapter one hope you enjoyed I personally liked writing this!

Anyways yeah!

 Bye bye?

543 words

espresso x Madeleine - a week and a circus.Where stories live. Discover now