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A/N: almost ending soon. Maybe a few more chapters + epilogue? I will update you on when my new book comes out. It will also be about CRK

Also I've realized how important proof reading is, but I'm still not gonna do it. So expect mistakes.

I will make it more gay, or try I guess.

Also title change! Because the original didn't fit!

I found out how to add videos!

Espressos POV:

So here I was. Complaining about a circus or a carnival, or whatever it is!

"And it's just so stupid, it'll be so embarrassing with all of us there!" I yell to mostly myself as I bury my head into Madeleines man b- I mean chest.

I feel him pet my hair and laugh a bit as I put my arms around his neck. "Oh come on darling! It shall be fun." Madeleine laughed. And that's when it hit me.

"If we're all going to a circus or carnival or something..how do we tell them about us?" I say getting a bit worry..wait, why do I even care? It should be better that they don't know! Yeah I'll just "actually I think it would-" I say before getting RUDELY INTERRUPTED BY A-by a..very attractive man.

"Well we can just tell them right now then head to the circus!" He said, proudly. I sigh and shift myself so I'm still on his lap, but now facing the wall, instead of his chest. "I guess that could work. Come on let's get it over with." I said and stood up. As he stood up with me, he gave me a light peck and hugged me. I slightly smiled. As he let go of me, my smile turned back into a blank expression (espresso be like: 😊—>😐 )

"Everybody get your (he said a bad word 🤭) over here!" I yelled .

"OooOo?" Sorbet asked "d-do you know what they said?" I whispered to Madeleine and he shrugged in return. "What's going on?" Sea fairy translated "well..I..uhm-" I said, cursing at myself for stuttering. "Let's get to he point!" Madeleine yelled, startling me. "I think Espresso is smoking!" He yelled and French kissed me.

(Did anybody finish watching legally blonde 2? No just me? K)

I heard some cheering, some gasps, and a loud "OooOooOo!"

Clown cookie POV(Oc):

A/N: description: a female clown, with blonde hair and...implants lol. She Has taking a liking to Madeleine and has stalked him ever since he helped carry her books in the 8th grade at Westerburg high-I mean The magical institute.(at this time Madeleine and espresso had just started dating.) She failed school and became a clown. To have it fit she changed her name. She used to be name vanilla rice pudding cookie (one of the worlds most hated vanilla deserts.)She's also crazy

Man imagine Madeline as J.d. Would that mean espresso is Veronica? Why am I the only person to think about this? I CAN MAKE A BOOK OUT OF THIS!


OH WAIT. THERE GOING TO THE CIRUCS I WORK AT! I CAN..I CAN... "STEAL HIM BACK!" Oh yes! I'll make that depresso guy or whatever his name is regret taking my man!

Madeleine POV:

"Hey sweetheart?" I asked sitting down next to espresso on our bed and slightly kissing his neck "ngh..what is it?" He said softly moaning. I giggle, "there was some lady outside screaming swear words and something about men." I state, kissing him and not only allowing him to not  respond but I push him down onto the bed. We release the kiss for air.

Espresso POV:

"Darling, no. This is-" Madeleine bit my neck causing me to moan. "Come on, it will just be for about a 15 minuets, and we spend the rest doing what we want, mk?"

 Did he have a brain tumor for breakfast?

He kisses me and bites my lip, asking for entrance, which I accept."

(I think you know whats gonna happened, but no I'm not gonna write it down. It makes me uncomfortable-)

"Idiot.." I mumble quietly "oh come on, You enjoyed it." "Mmm.."  I responded "can you walk?" He asked while putting combing his own hair "yeah, I can." I said and stood up "ok can you head out and make sure everybody's ready?" Madeleine asked, grabbing a hair tie. Presumably to tie his hair up. "Sure I can." I said and he kissed my cheek before I left.

I walked out of the room "is everybody here?" I asked and sat down on the couch "not Madeleine." Raspberry said. "Yeah I know." I responded bitterly "ok emo just saying-."

Madeleine came out with his hair tied up and was looking, sexy, dare I say it. Interrupted in my thoughts He said "I rented a car so all of us could go together!" He stood next to me "come on now!"

A/N: so This is the end of the chapter! Ive decided the next few will be the end. I'm gonna be honest I just don't wanna finish it today (I  lazy)

Words: 833 (including the AN btw)

espresso x Madeleine - a week and a circus.Where stories live. Discover now