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A/N: hi so question, I wanna start a new book but if I do I will forget about this so:

1: I could Finish this in the next chapter (really long chapter go brrrr) there will prob be a part 2

2: forget about this book. Or

3: Finish this book then make the next one.

You choose.

3rd person:

Espresso wakes up and looks at the clock "I got 4 hours of sleep.." he thought to himself. He got up and went to do things normal people do in the morning.

Espresso walks outside to see some people already awake "hello everybody." Espresso says with a (accidental) hint of venom in his voice from him just waking up. "OoooOoooo!" Sorbet shark says happily "Hi espresso!" Madeleine says. Espresso sighs and looks to his right and sees latte sitting on the couch. He goes to sit down next to her.

Lattes POV:

Espresso come to sit down next to me "hey there." I say next taking my eyes of the news channel

"Do you think you can tell raspberry and parfait about you know.." he asked "yeah yeah..sure." I said not exactly paying attention.

a large smile appeared on my face

A/N: (More like 😊 this less like 😀)

"What?" Espresso says a bit concern "espresso! Did you here that! There's a carnival in town! I yell not caring the guy watering the lawn for some reason (don't ask why) was staring inside "can we go? All of us?" I yell! "Latte you gave me a heart attack." At this point multiple kids (sorbet and cream puff :/) came over "OoooOo!" "Please mister espresso!" They both yelled at the same time. Espresso looks over at Madeleine who had a small smile, as if asking him to say yes. "..fine." Espresso says "yay!" Latte and cream puff says "OooO!" Sorbet says at the same time. Latte gets up and runs to her room taking raspberry with her.

After a few moments I hear parfait scream in joy "EEEEEEEEE ^^" parfait yelled at she ran out and faced espresso "is it true? Really?" She asks "yes.." I mumble as I hear Madeleine giggling . "She said not to tell anyone." Raspberry said. We looked around to see people starting at us "OooooOoo!" Sorbet shark giggled.

That was embarrassing. I check my phone, I can book tickets for the circus to go tomorrow for all of us, will it be weird about having 8 people go to a circus. Well we shall see.

espresso x Madeleine - a week and a circus.Where stories live. Discover now