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"And that was one of the most intense things me and your father have ever been through" I say

"You and Madeleine are not my parents, espresso." Eclair said "oh come on, let me have fun."

I got up and walked closer to him. With a knife.

"Your sick!" He yelled, "I know I am" I say "why don't I tell you about me and Madeleines first meet in westerburg- I mean the magical institute."

          THE END(?)

Our love is god- heathers x CRK, prologue to a week and a circus. Chapters coming soon.

Story summary: Madeleine and espresso are engaged, they go to a circus with latte and friends, crazy biotch appears. She gets sent to jail, and it is now revealed that espresso is a psychopath and planned her to go to jail. Nice

    See you in the past.

espresso x Madeleine - a week and a circus.Where stories live. Discover now