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The Scorch.

The next morning, once Travis had the evening to reflect on his conversation with Maggie, as well as having a lengthy discussion with Matt about the prospect of Adeline joining them on supply runs, the boy had found that he was already not quite sure if he had made the right decision or not.

Matt was entirely against the idea, much like he was when Maggie was brought along to get the panels with them a few weeks ago - although Travis suspects that had something to do with the boys current 'arrangement' with his sister. Which is part of the reason the two boys even share a room in the first place, so Travis can keep and eye on his friend.

Regardless of Matt's opinions, however, Travis had already agreed to let Adeline join them. Something that he already feels as though he may regret. Each one of the men that venture out for supplies are all large, and stocky, you see. Capable of handling whatever may be thrown at them in the Scorch, as well as being trustworthy enough to help others if required.

But Adeline is... well, she is a girl, for starters. Not overly short, but most certainly scrawny, with probably no more meat on her bones than Travis has on his right leg alone.

And yet, he wonders if this would also work in her favour. That scrappy look she has about her could end up being the whole reason for her survival out there. To be so dainty must mean that she can easily squeeze herself into smaller spaces for hiding, and wriggle her way out of a Crank's grasp with much more ease than him or any of the others would be able to manage.

There has to be a reason that her and Daniel survived so long out there, and maybe that is one of the major factors of it.

Then there is also the risk that she would not dare to try and help if something were to happen to one of the other men out there, of course. Could she be trusted to jump in and assist? To risk her life to aid another? Travis has seen the way Daniel has been fussing over her these past few weeks, but he has yet to see Adeline doing the same for him.

Obviously, it is difficult to measure due to the fact that she has basically been in a coma since she arrived.

Travis guesses that it is just something he will have to find out.

Finally residing himself to the fact that he needs to make a start on his day, and finding himself grow more impatient with Matt's wheezy snores with every second that passes, Travis clambers out of his bed.

The boy is careful not to wake his friend, stifling a chuckle when he glances over to the boy and notices the position he is in. On his stomach, with one leg stretched out whilst the other one is bent and brought up towards his torso. His blanket is ruffled up underneath his left leg, leaving his backside on display for all to see.

At least he's wearing boxers this time, Travis thinks to himself as he passes, recalling that one - and only - time Matt had slept in the buff, and getting the shock of his life when he had opened his eyes and looked over to the boys side of the room.

The young boy exits the room, taking great care in gently closing the door so as to not disturb Matt, for he knows how much of a grumpy bastard his friend can be when awoken too early. Besides, there is still a few hours before he is required to go on a supply run, and what with the likelihood of them all being gone for - at least - two days, Travis only thinks it fair to allow the boy some more rest. That, and he does not really want to deal with an exhausted Matt.

Travis heads straight towards the stairs that lead up to the medical wing, pacing from one corner of the warehouse to the other and greeting almost every person he passes with a bright smile and quick nod of his head. He ascends the spiral flight two steps at a time, his left hand tightly clutching the railing while his right one trails along the metal pole that beams up the middle until reaching the top and sauntering along the hallway.

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