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The Scorch.
One Week Later.

Five o'clock, and the girls are already up, dressed, and ready for the day. It had been decided shortly after their meeting in the garage that all three of them would reside in one of the spare rooms up in the medical wing, for ease of access to the vehicles that are tucked away directly beneath them, and to extinguish any risk of being caught roaming around the warehouse floor so early in the morning.

Adeline was unsure of the idea to begin with, for she has never slept more than five meters away from Daniel, but after a number of perfectly executed persuasions from Brenda, and a whole lot of badgering from Maggie, the redhead reluctantly agreed.

How bad could it be anyway, right?

Well, when I tell you that Adeline has never wanted to smother a person so much in her entire life.

Maggie was annoying. as. shit.

Snoring, coughing, wheezing. Switching between mumbling incoherently to straight up screaming in her sleep. At several points during the night, Maggie had released a screech so loud and deafening, that Adeline had shot out of her chair entirely, prepped and ready to fight, only to find out that the small blonde was simply stuck in a dream. And, even though Adeline had slept on the armchair in the corner of the room, she could still hear the sound of Maggie consistently shifting around on the bed.

So, all in all, Adeline had a really shitty night, whilst Maggie and Brenda were completely out for the count - although, how Brenda managed to sleep through Maggie's loopy behaviour, Adeline will never know.

But it matter not what kind of evening the redhead had, for all three girls are now awake, their entire plan has been hatched out to the very last microscopic detail, and they are ready to go.

Well, almost ready.

"Okay, so we all know what's happening?" Adeline asks, sitting on that same armchair that Daniel practically lived on for a week and switching her expectant gaze between the two girls.

Both Maggie and Brenda nod their heads enthusiastically, excited for the redhead and praying that this day out will alleviate even just a smidge of the cabin fever she has been feeling over the past month.

God knows she needs it.

''Great'' Adeline responds, trying to keep her tone hushed so as to not awaken any of the patients in the other rooms. She smiles broadly towards the two girls, thankful - if not still a bit sceptical - of how much they have done to help her. Glancing over to Brenda, who sits upright with her legs crossed over on the top half of the bed, twitching her head up and scrunching her brows slightly. ''What time are we on now?''

''Uh'' the brunette starts, dragging her left hand up to her face as she tries to read it in the mildly darkened room, ''just past five. Got at least two hours before the guys start getting up, and even then, they probably won't go near the garage until about half an hour before they leave.''

Maggie, who until this point had been sprawled out along the bed with her head resting on Brenda's knee, flinches herself upwards so the weight of her upper body rests on her left elbow. ''Remember we need to take the spare tire out of the trunk though.''

''Yea'' Brenda agrees, nodding her head slightly before scoffing, ''let's just hope they don't get a flat while they're out there.''

''Oh fuck, could you imagine?!'' Adeline exclaims, allowing that smile on her face to brighten even more and her eyes to widen at the thought of them all being stranded out in the Scorch.

Would not be an issue for her, obviously, but to the rest of them? Well, they may be tough enough to survive on supply runs, but that is as far as their strength and mental capacity goes.

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