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The Scorch.

The next few hours that the girls spent rummaging around in the weapons cabinet seemed to whirl past, and before they all knew it, Brenda was in the kitchen getting breakfast, Maggie was in her mothers bedroom annoying the absolute shit out of her, and Adeline was hidden in the trunk of the car on her way to... wherever the fuck it is that she is going.

She is not quite sure where that is, because neither Travis or Matt have spoken about it during the journey.

What they have spoken about, however, has left Adeline struggling to breathe through the consistent giggles that she has to stifle by shoving almost her entire fist into her mouth.

First of all there was Daniel, and how Travis is completely and utterly besotted with the boy - something that Adeline found rather cute and adorable to listen to. Then, there was Maggie, and how she loves it when Matt - but that last part got cut off when Travis slapped his friend on the arm, and the two of them immersed themselves in a heated debate about how disgusting it is for Travis to hear all those things about his sister, and why the boy needs to quit while he is ahead to avoid attaining a black eye for his crude comments.

All in all, and despite how cramped and uncomfortable she felt, Adeline would say that the drive itself was not too bad, and it was certainly an amusing experience for her.

But now, it would seem as though their destination has been reached. She can feel the car rumbling on the sand, mixed in with the faint screeches of the brakes as the car gradually begins to come to a stop. The young girl refuses to move, however, keeping her limbs glued to her torso and her breathing as deathly shallow as possible so she can listen out for the sound of the two boys getting out of the car.

A few minutes pass before the doors finally open, and Adeline can hear their faint chatter echoing through the air, even after the doors have been closed again. She raises her head a little, until her right ear sits flush against the top of the cover as she attempts to listen in further, and so she can be absolutely certain when they have left.

It takes about ten minutes - she would guess - for them to do so, and once she is sure that they are nowhere near the car, the young girl makes her move.

Doing just as Maggie had instructed, Adeline uses her elbow to push the cover up and to the left, having to squint her eyes when the sunlight beams directly onto her face and the side of her body through the back window. She takes a second or two to allow her corneas a chance to settle from the harsh rays before sitting herself up and twisting her head in every direction as she looks through all the other windows, gathering all the visual confirmation she can that the boys are definitely gone.

Once that last check has been completed, Adeline climbs over the back seat and shimmies to the right side of the car, opening it from the inside and silently praying that the alarm does not sound.

But it would appear that Maggie's promise holds true.

Sliding from the car, the young girl cannot help but throw her head back and allow a wide, toothy grin to take over her entire face when her feet touch the sand. The soft and warm grainy texture feels utterly luxurious against her skin, and in that moment, the elation she feels at finally being out of that confined warehouse is unparalleled.

She has missed this.

The Scorch has always been a dangerous territory. The thick mounds of sand concealing god only knows what, with tiny shards and fragments of abandoned buildings that have drowned within a sea of beige, and only figuring out you are stood next to something so dangerous when you puncture your foot on a bit of rusty metal, or a cracked and chipped bit of brickwork. A temperature that is so hot it looks as though the air over the horizon squiggles and dances in the breeze, coupled in with the searing heat that batters down on your skin.

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