¶Chapter 1¶

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I was walking down the Prime Path just chilling, I don't really got anything else to do. I mean I have to meet with Sapnap in like a hour or so.
Nothing much happened in the last few months. I mean since Dream is in prison nothing much happens at all. Everything is boring.
God I really miss that Green dude, I still wonder why he thought that imprisoning himself would be a good idea. Before he was sent to the prison, he told me exact what the plan would be, he told me that he would get out after doing... What he needed to do.. Something's wrong. Something must have happen in there.

Well.. I just hope he gets out soon.

¶Time skip¶

I was sitting besides a tree when something cought my attention. I decided I would check what it was.
When I got closer to 'The Thing' I saw that it was.. 'Wait what?.. What's this?'  I thought as I picked it up.

It was small, white with small shades of lime green on its face, its face was formed from two dots and a curved line which it was making it look like a smiley face. I have never seen any mob like this in my life-

'What kind of mob is this? Is it hostile, am I not supposed to touch it? It doesn't seem like a hostile mob. Wait- is it even a mob? Can it talk?'

"Hello, can you talk?" <Punz>

"Squeak!" <Blob> 

"Ok so you can't talk-" <Punz>

"Squeak" <Blob>

"What am I supposed to do with you? I mean I can't let you roam around, you will most likely die or get eaten by other mobs at night" <Punz>

"Squeak!!" <Blob>

"Well it's not my fault that you're so small, ok?!" <Punz>

"Squeak." <Blob>

"Ok I can't understand what you're saying so I don't know what you want from me" <Punz>

"Squeak squeak" <Blob>

"Well I think maybe I can take you with me, I guess. Would you like that?" <Punz>

"Squeak squeak!" <Blob>

"Ima take that as a yes" <Punz>

Honestly I would never take a suspicious mob I have never seen before, but I took it with me because its face reminds me of Dream's mask. So I decided why the fuck not? Maybe it can keep me company, maybe it can be my pet.

"Punz!" <???>

I heard someone scream my name.

"Oh hey Sapnap" <Punz>

Sapnap was one of my best friends, and probably the only one I like being around.. And maybe some other people.

"Oh, what's that?" <Sapnap>

"I'm not entirely sure, but I-" <Punz>

"Blob" <Sapnap>

Sapnap interrupted me.

"What?" <Punz>

"Blob, it's a blob" <Sapnap>

"A blob?" <Punz>

"Yeah, when Dream and I were younger, Dream used to have a plush who looked exactly like this, except the fact that it was taller.." <Sapnap>

"Squeak squeak squeak!" <Blob>

"Shit, it talks!?" <Sapnap>

"Yep and you now you made it mad. Anyways, continue" <Punz>

"So as I was saying, he used to have a plush like this, he used to call it blob" <Sapnap>

'Blob? I have never heard about these things' I thought as I looked at Sapnap and then at the blob. 'Shit these things are actually real-' 

"So what are you going to do with it?" <Sapnap>

"I was planing to take it with me since I doubt it would survive by itself" <Punz>

"SQUEAK!" <Blob>

"Heh, yup totally keeping it" <Punz>


End of chapter 1

Sorry if this chapter is short but I don't really have ideas for this chapter-

My Little Blob~ // PunzWasTakenWhere stories live. Discover now