¶Chapter 6¶

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Punz' POV

I woke up to Dream snuggling in my chest. I pushed him off me and sat up.

"Dream wake up."


"Dream, cmon dude, you gotta wake up." I said as I started shaking him.
He grabbed the blanket and brought it over his head.

"Wake up you lazy ass." I said taking the blanket off him.

"Uughh.. Five more minutes.." He said with his sleepy voice, as he faced the wall.

I grabbed a pillow and hit him with it.

"Puunnzzzz... Let me sleep." He groaned in response.

I get on top of him as I hit him again with the pillow. He slowly opens his eyes, looking up at me as I saw his face heating up.

"I really don't dislike this." He said with a smirk.

"What do you mean." I said raising an eyebrow.

"Do you what you're sitting on?"
I looked down, realizing that I was staying on his cock-
I quickly get off him as he just started wheezing.

"Do not laugh at me, you horny bastard!" I said all red.

"Oh I'm the 'horny bastartd' here, huh?" He said getting closer to me.

"Don't tell me you actually have a boner."

"Ok I won't tell you." He said pulling for a kiss. I melted into the kiss and his touch, it was so warm. God how I love this man.

We were in my my kitchen, preparing breakfast for both of us. It was silence, a comfortable one.

"So, now that we are together, I was thinking we should move somewhere else." Dream said looking at me.

"Woah already? Man I don't even remember the day we got married and now you want us to move together?" I said joking.

"No, that not what I meant." He said with a chuckle. "I was saying that since we are dating, we should move somewhere else. No one can know that we are dating, otherwise we will both get in big trouble. We might have to move outside the SMP."

It was silence. I couldn't say anything. My jaw dropped (metaphorical) when I heard that. I didn't wanna leave the SMP, but he was right tho.

"So you're saying were gonna hide."

"Well yeah. I mean we don't want people to know were dating that will put us both in danger, especially you. They could treathen your life if we get caught. And I really want this relationship to work." He sighs.

"Well what do you suggest?" I asked as I finished making breakfast.

"Well I have a house, outside the SMP and I think we could go there. It's pretty far away and no knows about it so well be ok."

"... Alright, sounds good." I said forcing a smile as I placed the plates on the table.

"Something wrong Punzy?" Dream asked worried.

".. Well I don't know.. I wanna go live with you, but I also don't want to leave Sapnap and the others.." I said as I sat down at the table.

"Oh, I understand.. Maybe it wasn't such a light idea."

"No. I like it, I really do and I'd love to stay with you. Yk just us. But it will be hard leaving everyone.."

"I know it will be hard, but look on the bright side. It will be just us, together. No one to bother us, to treathen us, just me and you." He said as he placed his hand on mine, with a light smile. "And if we're gonna have sex no one will hear us, we can be as hard and as loud as we want." He continued with a smirk growing on his face.

I got red at the comment. Dream just chuckled. Damn if he wasn't so cute I would punch him in the face rn.

"Listen I'm not forcing you to come with me. We could think of another idea if you'd like."

"No. I really like the idea and I wanna come with you." I sigh. "But what are gonna think the others? That I just disappeared out of nowhere?"

"Well since I'm out of Prison, they might think that I killed you." He stopped for a second. "I mean we could devastate your house to look like I just came in and killed you."

"Why would they think that?"

"Well they all know that you once worked for me and that you 'betrayed' me in the final disc war, so they'd probably think I took my revenge on you."

"I like the idea. Faking my death. But do we really have to devastate my house?"

"Well yeah, we just need to put blood everywhere and break some things and that it."

I sigh. "Alright then."

"Yay!" Dream said as he kissed my cheek.

After we finished breakfast I packed some of my clothes and I also packed some for Dream. I took everything I needed and was ready to move on. This server will never be a safe place. Even if Dream's dead.

While I was packing in my room, Dream was breaking things in my house. I can tell he was clearly enjoying it.

When I came out of my room my nose was corrupted by the smell in the living room. It smell like lifeless corpses slowly decaying and blood. Also the room looked like a pack of wolves was running after a sheep, destroying everything in their way.

"Dream what the fuck is this smell? It smells like dead bodies in here. You said well use fake blood, what the fuck is this?" I said covering my nose.

"Oh you're done with packing. Also I never said I'd use fake blood." He said entering my bedroom and shutting the door behind him. Not even after 5 seconds I heard loud bangs and things crashing.
After 2 minutes Dream came out of my, grinning while holding his axe on his shoulder.

"Okay, bedroom's done." He said proudly of the mess he's created.

"Dostrying my house made you excited, didn't it?" I said teasing him.

"Oh you don't even know~"  He said in a flirty tone.

I felt my face heating up, the heat going down right in my pants.


End of chapter 6

I am going to say it now so I don't have to do an A/N, this story is slowly coming to an end because I wanna do some other storys such as Dreamnap, Dreambur, etc.
So yeah
I'll still do a few more chapters to this story maybe til like 11-12 chapters because I don't feel I have any more ideas for this story.

Word Count - 1104

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