¶Chapter 5¶

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This chapter will contain some smut

Dream's POV

I woke up, turning around only to see Punz gone. Awh man, it would have been so good to wake up besides him.

I hear the door swung open, only to reveal Punz, looking at me like I just woke up from the dead. How ironic.

"Look who finally decided to wake up," He said getting closer. "after 18 hours. How tf could you sleep for that long?" He didn't scream but said a bit louder.

"I have no idea." I said getting out of bed. I was still tired, considering I have slept for almost a whole day, I decided to brush it off so Punz wouldn't worry about me anymore.

"Punz I'm hungry." I groaned like a child calling for their mom so she could make them food. But honestly I am way to hungry to care how childish I act.

"Okay, come on I prepared dinner." He said leading me to the kitchen. He told me to sit down and wait for the food by my patience was slowly giving up on me. "I made chicken with spaghetti, that's all I have for now." He sighed, laying the plate with food in front of me, it smell awesome. I mean the only thing I ate in prison were raw potatoes, at this point even dog food would be better than that. "I really need to go to the market after this." He murmured under his breath, enough for me to hear.

He sat down as we started eating. I knew I couldn't eat much so I was going to take it slow for now.

I looked up from my plate to see Punz, he hasn't touched his food yet. He was just staring at me, concern could be read in his eyes.

"Punz, you're staring." I said quietly but enough for him to hear. "You haven't touched your food yet. Is there something wrong?" I asked even tho I already knew the answer.

"No, it's just-" he stopped himself thinking about what to say. "-its hard looking at you struggle to eat."

"Then don't look at me."

"I can't."

"Then I will go somewhere else." I said getting up with the plate in my hands, heading towards Punz' bedroom.

I looked over my shoulder, meeting Punz' oceanic eyes, he was frowning. But I can't help it, I don't want him to worry.
I then shut the door, harshly than I meant to and went to the table near the bed, set the plate down and started eating.

After a few minutes I felt like I was going to puke. I couldn't eat any more. But it tasted awesome, Punz is really good at cooking.

I went for one more bite, regretting my decision. I felt like I was going to throw up, right then and there.

I got out of the room and rushed to the bathroom.
I fell on my knees, right in front of the toilet. I felt all the food coming back in my throat, then back in my mouth.

I heard Punz rushing into the bathroom. He crouched next to me and pulled my hair in a pony tail so it wouldn't get dirty.

After I finished I wiped my mouth with my hoodie sleeve. Then I felt someone pull me from my back into a hug. It was Punz of course. I didn't say anything, I just sat there resting my head on his shoulder. I can tell he was red, that made me smirk. Yet he noticed.

"What are you smiling for?" He asked me in a low tone.

"Why are you always so red when I'm close to you?" As I asked that question I could see how he got more red, if that's even possible. That made me blush a bit.

My Little Blob~ // PunzWasTakenWhere stories live. Discover now