¶Chapter 4¶

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Anyways back to the chapter.

Punz' POV
(Sorry that use Punz' POV so much)

I woke up in Dream's embrace, he was so warm and his skin was so soft. I wanted to get up but at the same time I wanted to just stay there in his embrace, all day.

I checked the time, it was only 7:43 AM.
I hugged Dream, cuddling him and went back to sleep.


I woke up to an aggressive knock on my door. I got up and went to my closet to pick some clothes.
I choose a shirt with turtle neck, an oversized white shirt, some sweat pants and my white hoodie with the two stripes on both sides.

I went to open the door, to be met by Sapnap. He looked mad and worried.

"Oh hey Sapnap."

"Hey Punz. Have you heard the news?!" He asked me looking straight at me.

"What news?"

"Dream's escaped! Have you not heard about that?!" He answered me with an angry tone.

"Oh yeah that. Yeah I heard about it, Sam came here and told me that while he was devastating my house." I said rolling my eyes.

"How are you so calm about this?!" He screamed at me.

"I don't know dude, I have my own problems too, yk?!" I replied back to him.

Also that reminds me. One of my problems is that Dream is still in my bed, probably still dead asleep.

"Whatever, tell me if you see him, I still have unfinished business with him." Sapnap said looking away.

"Yes yes, I will." I said closing the door, as I layed my back against it with my back.

I sighed heading towards my room only to see Dream in front of my bedroom door. He still looked tired as shit and concerned at the same time.

"I heard your little chat with Sapnap.." He said looking at the ground. "Yk, I don't have to stay here, I will only get you in danger and I can't risk something bad happening to you because if me. So I better go somewhere else."

"No Dream, it's alright. You can stay here, I don't mind." I said trying to convince him.

"Punz no, I just can't, this is my problem, I don't want to drag you along." He said looking into my eyes.

"Dream when you asked me to be on your side, you made me promise I would stick with you no matter what." I said walking towards him.

"Punz, that was before prison, things are more complicated now." He said with concern in his voice.

"No matter what I will stand by your side. You cannot convince me Dream. You will stay here until you get better. Now go back to sleep." I said pushing him towards my bedroom.

"Punz I-" He tried to argue back.

"No, go to sleep." I said interrupting him.



He didn't say anything, he just looked directly into my soul, no emotion on his face. Was he mad at me?

He leaned closer to my face, I could feel my face heating up. Was he going to kiss me or something-

"Thank you." He whispered to me with a soft smile on his face.

"I- for what?" I was so lost.

"For taking care of me, and having my back, everyone wanted me dead, yet you still stayed.. Thank you." He said planting a kiss on my forehead.
He then went back to my bedroom, closing the door behind him.

My head was going to explode. I was still staying infront of my bedroom door, trying to process what just happened. God I was so red.

Then I heard a door opening, it was the door before me. I was met by Dream, smirking at me.

"Gee, you look like you've just seen a ghost. Are you coming back to bed or..?" He said raising an eyebrow.

I didn't say anything, I just froze. I wanted to say something but when I opened my mouth nothing came out.

"Punz? You alright?" Dream said getting closer to me.

I couldn't respond this time either.

Dream's POV

"Punz?" I asked him getting a bit worried, he was just looking at the ground with eyes wide and his face red as a tomato.

I picked him up, bridal style, and went back to his bedroom closing the door behind us.

I sat him down on the bed so he was on his back. I layed down next to him and I was practically spooning him.

I then went to sleep holding Punz tight in my arms, nuzzling my face in his hair.

I really hope I'm not crossing any of his boundaries. (Boundaries are the best)


After a few hours

Punz' POV

I woke up in Dream's embrace once again, he was spooning me and his face was in my hair.

I turned around facing him. He was still sleeping.
'I really don't want to wake him up, who knows how tired he is. I'll let him sleep for a few more hours.' I thought with a smile on my face.

I tried to escape Dream's embrace but nothing seemed to work. But then I thought of putting a pillow in my place, and hopefully he wouldn't notice.

After a few minutes I escaped Dream's embrace. He was now sleeping hugging a pillow, he looked so peaceful. Can you believe that this man brutally murdered a child with a potato? Yeah, me too.

I then went to my kitchen and prepared breakfa- wait, breakfast?
I looked at the time and it was 7:48 PM so I made dinner instead of breakfast, even tho I didn't eat anything in like the last two days.
I mean I didn't really have time since I found that blob and Dream's escape. Also that reminds me, where is that blob? Wait, was Dream the blob? I mean it could be, I didn't see the blob anywhere since Dream appeared. Idk I think I could ask Dream about this. When he wakes up, of course.


End of chapter 4

Ok this is all you get for the rest like two days I guess. I still got lots of ideas but they don't fit all in the same chapter yk.
So happy new years everyone.
I'm out.

Word count - 1070

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