¶Chapter 7¶ End

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This chapter will be kinda rushed because I really wanna start my new story and I can't uptade two storys at once.
Some smut👀


Punz POV

We entered Dream's cabin and it was kind of pretty, dirty but pretty. It had two bedrooms, one medium-sized kitchen, a bathroom, a large living room and a basement. It looked more bigger in the inside than the outside.

"Gosh I haven't been in here for so long." Dream sighed. "It got really messy and dirty."

"Yeah, this place definitely needs a clean up." I said looking around, it wasn't that bad. "Is going to take us awhile to clean this place but it's gonna be worth it." I said grinning and Dream.

"Well yeah it's our new home." Dream said placing a kiss on my cheek. "Aren't you exited about it?"

"Of course I am you dumbass." I said kissing him on his pink-redish, soft lips.

"Ok ok, now let's start cleaning this place. I'm tired from destroying your house and I don't have anywhere to sleep."

After 7 tiring hours we finally cleaned just,, half of the house.. Are you fucking kidding me.?
I'm exhausted. We only cleaned the living room and the kitchen, we need to clean the bedrooms and the bathroom which is going to take us even more. I'm way too tired for this.

My legs and arms were sour. My legs collapsing into the ground. I was now laying on the now cleaned floor.

"Punz, are you okay?" Dream said concerned crouching besides me.

I was way too tired to speak.
".. Way too... Tired... Exhausted.." Those are the only words that came out of my mouth.

Dream picked me up bridal style and brought me to the couch. He sat me down on it. It was soft. Even tho it still smelled like shit.

"Okay, you rest. I'll clean the rest of the house." Dream said placing a kiss on my forehead, covering me with a blanket he found.

I wanted to tell him not to overwork himself. I opened my mouth but noting came out. I only nodded.

"Okay, rest well Punzy!" He said smashing his lips against mine. God how much I love this man. I'm so lucky I have him.

I slowly closed my eyes, getting more comfortable. I found a comfortable position, as I closed my eyes and everything was black.

I woke up somewhere else. It wasn't the couch. No. It was something softer. I opened my eyes. I looked around seeing that I in a different room. I looked underneath me, I was laying in a big-ass bed.
I sat up and headed towards the door. When I opened it, I was surprised that the house was cleaner than before I went to sleep. I looked around, trying to spot my boyfriend.
I found him sleeping on the couch. His mouth was wide open, droll rolling from his mouth. Am I seriously in love with this guy?-

We were now admiring the clean house. We did a really good job, well more Dream did.

"You did a really great job." I said looking at Dream.

"We did a really great job." He said with a soft voice.

He grabbed my chin and passionately kissed me. I kissed him back, the kiss getting more and more deep.
His hands gripped on my hips, my arms around his neck as we kissed like there's no tomorrow. It was just the two of us here anyway. No one to bother us.

I bit Dream's bottom lip, asking for entrance. He denied it. After not even 10 seconds he bit my bottom lip which I also denied. We were fighting for dominance, each minute hitting each other's lips until they were purple.

Dream bit my bottom lip, asking for entrance once more. I denied it. His eyebrows furrowed. His hands going down to my ass. I felt my face heating up. He squeezed my ass, making me moan into the kiss. He took advantage of it and shoved his tongue into my mouth, searching every corner of my mouth.

He lifted his hands up on my waist, his hands making its way up my shirt. His hands making it to my nipples as he started to play with them making me moan.
He broke off the kiss and went for my neck. He started biting my neck and collarbone, biting my soft spot every time.
We fell into the floor-

And the rest you can imagine what happened :D


The End

Hello. So this is the end of the story.
Sorry that I'm ending the story like this but I wanna start more storys.
I'll still do some more PunzWasTaken storys and maybe I'll continue this story or make a part two of this book so yeah.

My Little Blob~ // PunzWasTakenWhere stories live. Discover now