¶Chapter 2¶

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•Punz POV•

We arrived at my house after a few hours spent with Sapnap and this little blob. Ngl it was funny, everytime Sapnap would say something that offended the blob he would start squeaking while we were laughing, bet he was swearing the fuck to us.

I sat the blob on the table near my bed. I went to get a soft pillow so it can sleep on it.

I got the pillow and put it on the table besides the blob.

"This were you're gonna sleep, alr?" I said pointing at the pillow.

"Squeak!" It started squeaking at me in an angry tone.

"Yeah hell nah dude, you're not sleeping with me" I said looking at him.

"Squeak squeak!"

"No" I said rolling my eyes. Even tho it only squeaks, I can tell what its saying.

"Squeak squeak..." He looked sad.


"*sigh* Ok fine.. I suppose you can sleep with me... But only this night!" I said pointing at him.

He only made a happy squeak in response.

I picked him up in my hand and put him on the pillow besides mine.

I layed on the bed on my back looking at the ceiling. I felt something tickling my neck. I looked to see what it was. It was the blob snuggling into my neck trying to get comfort. Honestly I don't mind him, he's adorable. I close my eyes trying to sleep.


I woke up to something warm, to someone cuddling me. I tried to open my eyes but for some reason I couldn't. I tried to move but I couldn't do that either, their grip was way too strong, like I was going to die if they ever let go of me.

After a few more minutes of trying to escape I felt my body getting cold. That 'something' or someone, let go of me as I was finally able to move.

I opened my eyes to see nothing but my blob.

'Wait what?- Was that all a dream? No that couldn't be it, it felt too real'

"Did you feel that too?" I asked the blob, thinking it would actually give me an answer.

"Squeak?" It said confused.

"Y-you didn't feel something.. Or someone hugging/cuddling you?"

"...squeak..?" He looked confused at me like I was crazy or something-

"Hmm.. Soo it was just me.. Or maybe I was only dreaming?"


"I probably am just touch-starved or something-" I said looking at my hands.


"Well we should go eat breakfast" I said picking him up.

"..squeak..." He was looking down at my palm.

My Little Blob~ // PunzWasTakenWhere stories live. Discover now