Chapter 4

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He stayed for the most of the morning curled in bed feigning sleeping because as much as he tried every time he closed his eyes he kept seeing those pearly white teeth smiling at him and in the end he just laid in bed like fool staring at his ceiling as he drowning himself with the memories of yesterday. Wooyoung and Yeosang came to wake him though, thinking that he was still asleep they weren't shocked to see him awake and kicking his blankets in frustration. He was promptly told to get ready and come join them for breakfast Wooyoung waiting for him while he ranted on about how rude he was for leaving them yesterday without telling them first even though Seonghwa countered that he did leave a text saying he would be out with the king, which then prompted Wooyoung teasing him on his 'small crush' which he dare not say aloud to Wooyoung for both fear that the sticky fingered male will try to push it to happen and or sell him out to Hongjoong.

Joining the pair they made their way down the hall and towards the dining room small shouts of an argument could be heard from inside. Entering the dining room Seonghwa was stunned to see the brothers Choi fencing on the table, it was past the normal time for breakfast so the former royals were away preparing for the ball. The trio quickly closed the doors behind them, Yeosang's loud scolding definitely making it past the heavy oak doors.

"What the hell is wrong with you two, how many times must we tell you not to do this?!"

The brothers spared Yeosang a sole glance before continuing with their match Wooyoung was amply amused.

"Let's go out to eat I saw a good Cafe a few minutes into the capital and I'm sure their open"

Seonghwa said trying to take Yeosang's attention from the dwelling pair as to help him not raise his blood pressure any more than it was already.

The ride down to the capital went well Wooyoung kept his questions to a minimum as well as a surprise phone call from Mingi.

"So Seonghwa you didn't tell me about your day"

"And I won't, that's between me and the king not you"

"What about me?"

Seonghwa turned to Yeosang whose hand were filled with the delicate ceramic cup filled half way with green tea.

"What about you, you're not Hongjoong so you don't count"

The pair looked at each other in surprise as he sipped on his fruit smoothie.

"So Hongjoong huh"

Seonghwa looked up from his drink gulping slowly,

"That-that was a mistake sorry"

"Seonghwa he said it's okay to call him by his first name you don't need to be all formal"

He sighed into his drink

"I know but..I just don't want him to feel uncomfortable"

"Trust me Hongjoong would be rather happy if you called him by his first name"

Seonghwa could only smile to himself.

Back at the palace Seonghwa recluse to his room, his mind now filled with the prospect of doing work Mingi had said a company they are hoping to partner with for a project had sent over some paper which required his eyes to see through before taking the deal. One thing Seonghwa was very bad at tracking was time.

By the time his laptop finally ran out of battery the night sky had taken over and his sole open window was now covered in black and occasional white light from the palace ground. Rubbing his eyes tiredly he got out of bed to charge it his back cracking from the odd position he sat in for more than an hour.

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