Chapter 8

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Sorry for the late update.
just two more chapters to goo.

sorry for any mistakes
(not edited not beta read)
dont hesitate to tell me if their is anything i should have tw'ed


That night Seonghwa didn't leave Hongjoong's side, with how fast they acted in administering the antidote the most doctors had to do was ensure their wasn't anymore more of the toxic substance within his body which meant pumping which Seonghwa wished the aftermath of which didn't cause Hongjoong any pain when he woke up. He did give Hongjoong his reward, the Scorpio necklace was around his neck curled at the base, he also apologized profusely for promising to stay by his side but leaving, little pangs of guilt did make his eyes tear up at random points but Hongjoong was safe now.

It was quite a shock to find out Jeoseok was in the plot, he was the first to confess since Yeosang literally ran him down and tackled him when he tried to flee the scene after Hongjoong collapsed the confession came easy after that who know Yeosang had that in him. Seonghwa had told Yunho to check all security camera for any suspicious footage and gave a clear description of the person he saw with the profiles he had from San. And by the end of the next day Seonghwa was called to the throne room to witness a royal sentencing, on the morning of Christmas day no less, the Countess and her family's elaborate plan which she so much tried to hide and keep within wraps was now undone and with so much to witness it with their own eyes there truly was no escape route for her now.

As fast as the trial occurred it ended, was there really much to need to convict her and with the Former King and Queen seated high no easy sentence was given to her either 20 years of national service and to her son and Jeosoek 30 years' service in the military which from what San and Jongho were mumbling to him wasn't the best or worst place, it was best described as purgatory to criminals and the garden of Eden to service men. After that it was back to Hongjoong side helping change his IV line which he found out he was really good after almost stressing the nurse out because Hongjoong's veins were hard to find when he was in such a peaceful and sleepy state.

With the poison still taking a tool on his body even after such little time within him the doctors couldn't estimate what exact period of time his body would need to recover. His Christmas was spent in two places in the living room with the others and with Hongjoong who was still asleep. It was quite and gloomy even as much as San and Jongho tried to cheer everyone up, they did enjoy themselves by the tree their gifts open and free for everyone to see, all the gifts Hongjoong had finished help him wrap that night were all opened a few gifts remained for Hongjoong under the tree with a promise when he woke up all would be opened. His gift though was kept by his side selfishly he wanted to be the first to give Hongjoong a present, the early gift at the base of his neck didn't count.

Laying his head on the soft fabric of the bed Seonghwa sighed, this definitely wasn't what he had in mind when he came here for a vacation but nonetheless with all that had happened and all the new friends he made along the way it was still worth it and when Hongjoong woke it up it was all the more worth it.

Waking up seemed like breaking a serein dream with a hammer before his eyes could adjust to the dim light of the room a pounding sensation was already occurring at the back of his eyes, the burning following in succession. He watched around the room wincing at the pain in his eyes as he did, at least it was his own room laying back down he groaned softly his throat was dry and burned with the slightest taste of acid. Turning to his side he looked on as Seonghwa nodded off to sleep his body sagged into the seat as his head rested on his shoulder,

'So cute'

He thought, his hand came to his neck he felt discomfort his finger tips with met with cold metal? Letting his hand trace the necklace around him he held it up as he looked down to it, the constellation of Scorpio was on the sliver chain his fingertips traced the cold metal lovingly before letting it rest back against his neck, sitting up while making the minimum amount of noise he watched with a fond smile as Seonghwa kept nodding the cute sight was to much for him to possibly wake Seonghwa. Looking out the open window he saw snow as usual falling like powder onto the frame work of the window, he was in his room he knew that a lot of machines were all over the place and a very uncomfortable needle was in his wrist supplying him with drips.

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