Chapter 6

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He shouldn't be feeling disappointed should he?

Hongjoong was busy so he shouldn't have, even though he had checked his phone so many times for a message he didn't get any, sitting in his room he watched the stars from there instead, the coldness of the auditorium had reminded him that he was alone for two hours straight as he waited for Hongjoong but he didn't show. He had tried to reason with himself, perhaps his battery was dead or he just lost track of time, perhaps even forgot but it still made him sad even as he tried not feel that way.

To distract himself he did some reach behind the drug laws here in Allion, which turned out that many types of drugs can be made and sold here but under regulations of the state well-fare department, apothecaries had seemed to be very prevalent in the more rural areas and thus the law on them being the only ones able to sell such drugs was made as most buyers were large scale farmers.

He did try to look up the countess but nothing came up in his search other than her now title and whatever lose fact some articles had made about her and her family. Switching the laptop of for the while he turned to his phone ignoring the ache he felt when he saw no new messages instead he went to highnesses social media, perhaps he had posted something there, but even that was unchanged no new posts, nothing. He looked to the pile of gifts he bought that were now on the couch getting of the bed he decided to distract himself by wrapping the gifts what better to do than ignore the ache until he could find the reason for it.

He must have fallen because shaking was what woke him up, very light shaking, he grumbled turning over to perhaps stop the shaking. The person who was shaking him grunting in frustration or perhaps amusement his brain was to muddled to figure out what emotion was being shown, curling in the blanket he was now wrapped in he cozied himself in the couch as he heard the person who was trying to wake him stepped away. He was on the ground wrapping present he remembered that much so maybe the person had put blanket on him?

His eyes flew open when he was tugged upright face planting into someone's soft chest, letting out a startled noise at the sudden pull his arms went straight keeping him upright against the person who had pulled him, Hongjoong looked down at him a sheepish smile on his lips as he hugged Seonghwa who was tightly wrapped around his chest.

"Your highness, what are you doing here?!"

Scampering away from Hongjoong who was pushed back onto the carpeted ground with a bit of a surprised look on his face.

"What do mean, I didn't see you at the auditorium and when I came you were asleep and wouldn't bug no matter how much I tried to move you so I just stayed over"

"I was at the auditorium for two hours, I didn't see you that's why I came back"

"Ah then I must have not checked the time, I'm sorry Seonghwa I didn't mean to let you down yesterday"

He smiled at the king's sincerity,

"It's okay, Hongjoong really, I know yours busy you can't have all the time in the world for me you know"

He said jokingly as he got up his bones protesting greatly. Hongjoong remained seated on the ground in what looked like the outfit he wore for work yesterday, looking out the window his eyes widened.

"Hongjoong don't you have work?!"

Before he could respond Seonghwa was pulling him of the ground and shoving him further into the room were the bathroom was,

"You need to get ready for work, did you over sleep, why are you still gawking go get ready?"

"Seonghwa, I-I don't have work today, I took a day off from work"

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