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*text message from TIM TAM*

"Hey I know it's earlier and all but care to come and join me on another amazing spectacular thrilling day at my work place?"

I groaned as I just got up from what I thought was my alarm clock to the sound of my phone alerting me that I've received a text message from tammy, I quickly read it, which I typed back

"Haha sure why not, but don't think that im still not angry at you for bailing me for some guy, over pizza like come on tam itS PIZZA, anyway see you soon."

I quickly got change into some skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt, and went to grab my jacket since it was starting to rain. I then receive yet again another text from tammy.

"It's been 234 hours, where Are YOU?!?"

I laughed and began to walk out the door and put my shoes on to see that Emily's converse, which she wears all the time were not there which meant she was out that's funny Emily doesn't usually wake up at this time and she doesn't have any classes today. Wonder where she went?

I shrugged the thought over my shoulder and began walking towards the café under the gloomy skies.

As I walked around the corner eyes glued on my phone texting Emily were I was heading and if she could tag along but she quickly replied by saying she was busy, hmm she's been "busy" for the past couple of days now, hopefully it's got nothing to do with that bastard Luke, hopefully.

I hit send when suddenly someone had roughly bumped into me, as if they were running, which caused me to fall down to the ground and I quickly searched for my phone with my hair all up in my face and retrieve it to see that there was a crack on the screen. The person kneeled down to the ground where I was and tried to reassure me but oh boy was I pissed this was my phone, my life and now there's a crack on it.

"I'm so sorry ma'am I was in a rus-"

"What the fuck, get off me, look at what you did." I cut off the stranger and shove the phone up to their faces and pushed my hair out of my face to see who I could press charges to.

"Mali?" no, no, no, nope, no, no you've got to be kidding me. The stranger had dark brown hair with streaks of blonde on his fringe but you know what even worse, he had similar features like me which could only mean one thing, it was Calum.

"Calum." I quickly said brushing myself off and walking the other direction, until he walked in front me stopping me from walking any further.

"Mali, you can't run away from me!" he said

"Oh really, cause that's what you've been doing for the past 2 years, Calum!" I yelled back

"It's not what it seems Mali it's complicated that's all, stop making it a big deal out of it."

"Really I'm making this a big deal, everyone had been worried sick, mum, dad for fuck sakes Calum even I was worried sick, it was all over the news and yet you never answered my calls, my text ,you basically ignored me, your sister." I lashed out with at him as he just stared to down to his feet.

"I told you Mali it's complicated."

"Bullshit, just leave me alone." I walked pasted him and started to walk back to my apartment

"Just give me 10 minutes and I'll explain everything and if you still don't want me around I'll leave." He stated looking at me straight into my eyes.

"fine." I huffed "where do you want to meet up?"

"The diner downtown." he said.

"Fine I'll meet you there in half an hour" I said walking to my apartment. I opened the door, carrying my heavy heart with me. I look down to see that Emily's shoes with weren't there before, hmm so she's back from being 'busy' I walk to the kitchen but then stopped to hear laughing and giggling upstairs, wait Emily had someone over but who?

"HEY EM, I THOUGHT YOU WERE OUT AND BUSY?" I yelled so she could hear me. The laughter stopped.


"A FRIEND?" she's totally up there with a guy.



"WHATEVER MUM." I laughed a walked out the apartment.

I texted tammy that I couldn't make it which she replied with a sad face and said it was fine, I look up to see that it was still gloomy and walked my way down to face Calum yet again and get this all sorted.

I sat there completely shocked and confused, Calum had told me what had happened to him and why he ran away with his three idiotic friends.

"I can't believe you di-"I finally said something, but got cut off by Calum.

"Look it's in the past now, so will you forgive me." he looks at me with his puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, one more chance but pull a stunt like that again, I will whoop your ass and those other three of them." I said jokingly, with an awkward laugh.

"Haha you wish." Calum replied with a smirk, which caused me to remember those memories.

"I know you still like him." he said

"pfft yeah right." continuing to awkwardly laugh.

We decided to head out and go our separate ways, until I brought up another question.

"Wait so how did you Ashton persuade you to run away with him and the others."

"Um mali it wasn't Ashton who came out with the plan." he says looking down at the pavement.

"What?" I question him, furrowing my eyebrows.

"It was me."


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Plot twist

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