Chapter 1[OLD]

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Huff huff...

The icy cold burns on my skin. I tighten the jacket I'm wearing and force my legs to move, dragging my legs across the snow.
my vision is blurred by the fierce blizzard but it will be alright. once I get my hands on that... my life will change.
I no longer have to live as a loser.
I no longer have to disappoint my family.
No one will bully my family and me anymore...

I just need to get to it...

Countless adventurers have perished trying to get to the artifact. The rumoured artifact is said to be dwelling in this cold, harsh biome.

Artifacts are magical objects that grant the wielder power. Be it enhanced senses, powerful magic, or extreme talent.
I need it.

I need the artifact.

In this world where the strong rules, I am at the bottom of the food chain. With absolutely zero talent and no affinity for any sort, my fate is already decided from the start.

huff huff...



I am starting to feel sleepy.

I can't... I can't fall here...

I need to remember... everyone back home... my sick mother... my younger brothers and sister.

A black shadow looms over me.


Something is... in front of me?

A monster?

Shit... I don't have any strength left. I can't even move.

I try to open my mouth but my dry, cracked, bleeding lips gave up.

I am going to die.

I will freeze to death like the other adventurers...


I don't want this to be the end...


I collapse to the ground in front of the mysterious figure. My blurry vision cannot make out who it is... but one thing is for sure, it's a frail, small girl with long hair.

She smiles at me before touching my hair.

" pretty," she says.


My consciousness fades as I try to make out what the figure was saying.

It's too bright... I wake up to the sound of chirping. The forest? No... this familiar sound.


A soft bed. A ceiling made out of spruce plank.
It cannot be...

I jump out of bed and look around.

The window beside my bed. The door across my bed and a wooden table with a chair beside the door.

Why am I back here? This is the house my family used to live in when I was young. Did I not die?
Or... is this some kind of event that happens after death where I go through all my life events...

When I am 32 years old, I will explore the region of Death, a deadly cold biome littered with monsters above category 6, and die attempting to find the artifact of life.

The weakest monsters belong to category 1. and the pattern continues as stronger monsters will be assigned to higher categories. as of now, the strongest monster humans have ever faced is a category 8.

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