"W-What?! Are you crazy? Who are you to close this place down! The Azure family owns this property!"
"But do your family own the land?" I say.
"Y-You... I don't want to entertain you, security! Take this guy out."
"Do you know I can report you if you construct on land without permission?"
Lupus clicks her tongue and walks into the room behind her. She comes and throws some documents off the platform. It flies down in a mess but I manipulate the surrounding mana to catch them into a neat pile of paper.
I look at it, it is the contract of Igniz and Azure family. The Igniz family will allow the Azure family to build on their land provided that they get a share of their profits.
I grab hold of the contract and tear it in front of everyone.
The knight guards stare at one another as they gulp.
"Hey! Do something! Stop standing there!" Says Lupus.
I sigh and show her a silver plate.
"Igniz family have been exiled from the capital and my family have taken over the position of Baron. This land now belongs to us and this contract is now void."
"No! That cannot be real!"
I click my tongue. I am getting sick of their stubborn trait.
I inject mana into the plate and it starts to glow, indicating that it is indeed real.
"No... This cannot be, this is a dream..."
Nami has her eyes wide open. There's a hint of sadness in her eyes.
Lupus collapsed on the floor as she clenches her fist.
She gulps before standing back up and saying "H-How about this, we establish another contract with you-"
"No thanks." I blurt out.
"B-But... There are so many workers here! Almost all of them are locals and need money-"
"Don't worry about them, worry about yourself."
Lupus grits her teeth. "You will pay for this and regret your decision."
"I've heard that line too much, be more creative."
Lupus holds in her visible anger as she storms out.
All the workers stare at me, some in rage."Don't worry everyone, wait for further notices, my family will give you an occupation soon," I say as I walk out. The workers there don't believe me as I can feel their glare on the way.
People who work in the processing plants have technical and engineering skills, how can they not be useful? There are so many positions and jobs I can think of for every one of them.
The smoke stops appearing from the chimneys. They stopped operations.
I walk back to the carriage and our trip continued. There are two towns on the land Igniz owned. The bigger one contains the mansion for the lord of the land.
The carriage runs through the first smaller town.
It's a disaster.
Buildings decomposing and collapsing. Nobody bothered to welcome us, not even throw a glance. There's not a single glimpse of light in their eyes.

A Background Character's Fate
Fantasy"In war, commoners are the victims in victory or defeat." Struck by poverty amidst a long and devastating war, an ordinary mercenary dies among the countless corpses on a snowy battlefield. Yet by a stroke of luck, he regressed to his younger self...