Darkness and light fight together against the gushing tsunami. My attributes clash with Darilyus' sword.
*BAM!* *CHING!* *BOOOM!*We constantly exchange attacks, zapping our battle around the scarred chamber as we leave sword marks all around. Interchanging the control of mana in the air.
I'm starting to feel the drawbacks of the potion, the extreme pain of rip and tear ripples through my muscles and the energy within my body is running rampant. I'm pretty sure the servant said five minutes was the limit but fifteen minutes have passed since I drank it, is it my physique? Moreover, countless cuts litter my body, slowly draining my vitality.
Blood splashes out of his open wound whenever Darilyus swings his sword. His face grows pale by the seconds.
"Stop! We will die if this continues!" I shout as I launch three simultaneous slashes.
He deflects all my strikes and returns piercing shots.
I guard his attack, throwing me away to a distance."Huff huff huff huff..." I pant frantically.
Darilyus, also out of breath, grasps his injured shoulder. He is stalling for time. Reinforcement from the Royal Army will be here soon. I need to end this.
I head for the bars of my father's jail cell.
Darilyus recklessly responds to my act and charges towards me, a spot-on prediction from my analysis. At an estimated distance, I suddenly change my course towards Darilyus, catching him off guard.
Waves of water erupt out of my blade as I thrust a widespread aura at Darilyus.
Darilyus ejects his aura to dissipate the water and prepares to deflect my attack, not falling for the same trick, yet I concentrate aura at the sword's tip, blasting a torrent of sheer force. Darilyus is sent flying back despite his deflecting mitigation and crashes into the piles of rocks. His sword flies out of his hand and rolls across the ground into a hole.
Darilyus falls forward with a loud thud.
"Y-You...huff...who...?" Darilyus mumbles, attempting to lift his head. His visibly shaking body freezes from his harsh injury, pale skin, frantic gasping for air, and eyes about to shut paste his face.
"Just...stay there..." I say.
I trudge slowly towards the jail cell, eventually losing strength in my entire body as the adrenaline flushes. My sword drops to the ground and I start to see two world phasing in and out.
"H-Haah...Hah...Huff...Huff...H-Huff...Hah..." I can't control my breathing, my heartbeat pounds so rapidly it feels suffocating.
My sanity hits its peak. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know why I'm here. I just know I need to save my father. Quickly. Before the reinforcement comes. Giving up is not an option that crosses my mind. I must move. I must save my father.
What's that sound? I can't see anything.
Ah...my face fell to the ground.
My entire consciousness is melting in an ocean of pain. My body is simply pain and pain everywhere, misery is engulfing my soul.
I hear sounds of shuffling. Am I moving? I don't know.
I must move.
"Kueaghhhhh..." My groans accompany my gritted teeth.

A Background Character's Fate
Fantasía"In war, commoners are the victims in victory or defeat." Struck by poverty amidst a long and devastating war, an ordinary mercenary dies among the countless corpses on a snowy battlefield. Yet by a stroke of luck, he regressed to his younger self...