Chapter 27[OLD]

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I leave the castle to see my family outside. They are staring at me.

"So we are going to become nobles right?" Says Mane.

"Yes," I reply.

My father hugs my mother when she shows me a worried face. "Don't worry too much. We are headed towards a better future." My father says.

My mother nods.


There is still a long way to go. I am currently too weak and have too many more enemies to eliminate. This is just one checkpoint, there are many more to go...

This festival, why is it organised when the true danger is not eliminated yet. This peace isn't forever.

From the looks of things, Orland and that old lady from the Nelson family are most likely cultists.

My family went back home to pack up. As for me... I have something else to do.

I went to the Alchemist Association, it's empty. Most of the people here have gone to attend the festival, only one single boy can be seen drooling on the counter, half awake half asleep.

"Hi, Allen," I say.

"Ah- uh ah... What? Oh, it's you, the famous hero. What brings you here?"

"I want to make a foundation establishment pill but I don't know how to. Mind if I go into that library and take a look?"

Allen stands up. "Sure."

"By the way, why aren't you attending the festival, it's one specially created because of you." Says Allen as the both of us walk up the mundane stairs.

"I have no reason to. I need to get stronger quickly, on the other hand, pills are the only way."


"I see."

The cultivation method I am using is getting too inefficient, I need to find a better and faster method.

"By the way, don't rely on pills that much. If you force too much cultivation into your body within a short amount of time, your meridians won't be strong enough to accommodate the circulation of immense mana. Not to mention the chance of your Dantian being too small and unable to contain all the mana... You know what happens next." Says Allen.

"I know."

We reach a large golden door that automatically opens once Allen waves his hand.

"It's usually closed right now but I will make an exception for you." Says Allen.

I enter the room to see another world. My mouth drops open.

What the...

A giant library. No, "giant" isn't the right word, "gargantuan" is.

This room is circular, the walls are filled with shelves stacked on top of one another to the point it looks like the inner part of a tornado of bookshelves.

The large area in the middle part is used for reading, floating capsules of chairs and tables are laid out neatly in rows from the ground to the top.

Beside the door is a device with a screen on it. Allen touches the screen and a book shows up on the screen asking "Are you requesting this book?"

Allen taps yes and a random book glows at one of the top rows before it floats down to Allen's hand.

"Magic is convenient, isn't it? Just think of what you are finding while you touch this and it will instantly find what you are looking for. Still, not everything is here." Says Allen.

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