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joker - big naughty, jamie


Succumbing to your own explosives of emotions overtakes even the most strong-minded. Under the hazy forever-going sky where specks of white glow in the darkness of the night, Minghao was setting off his own explosives.

Rage was something he knew easily, it was what he was taught, but he always felt like he had it under control. However, as limp corpses were scattered around him in a damp alleyway, and a pool of blood was under his feet he knew he was no longer in control.

Life didn't seem to be on his side, as he dug his fangs into any stranger whose path crossed him. It seemed that the night wasn't in no one's favor.

Screams echoed the alley, projecting the shrills of fear faintly, but with no source of light and eventual silence, no one could notice the looming demon whose wings were ink black and eyes that were glowing red with lustful rage.

All rationale that Minghao once had disappeared, all morality shriveled and thrown away. There was no way that he could push past such intense emotions, so he embraced them instead.

His mother, someone he loves so much, appreciates even though she couldn't take care of him after her sickness. Minghao had never been so protective of someone his whole life and to know that her sickness had a source and wasn't an ill fate, and instead, it was caused by a vile man who he knew.

Satan, who caused his mother's spiritual tumor, is the same demon who greeted him every time he hung out with Jun as they were kids.

A bitter taste coated his mouth, he was disgusted that someone who had been relatively kind -as kind as Satan could get, not that it was very kind- had hurt his mother so easily.

He shouldn't have expected anything different from Satan, but a part of Minghao saw him as Jun's dad and that made him have hope.

His mind whirling in thought, he realized that he couldn't even remember the last time he had seen Jun, and that made him angrier. That his friend had just disappeared and because of everything that has been going on, he didn't even notice it.

His chest heaved, his tongue tracing his fangs, he was crumbling, his world was too. His humanity was gone at least for tonight, and all he could see was red as another person lurked too close to the shadows saying goodbye to their life unintentionally.

It had been hours, she knew it because once he stormed out she kept on looking at the clock, keeping track of the time as she paced around.

The hours felt like days, it had been long enough that Jeonghan, Joshua, and Jihoon had returned from Heaven, the three coming empty-handed with nothing new to say.

All ten of them were cramped up in the small apartment, most being silent as they watched Idalia's pacing, her nervousness spilling onto them.

They tried to calm her down, really they attempted to, from talking about her art or getting her to play simple games, but everything somehow related to him and they all knew that no matter how hard they tried her mind was stuck in worry by his absence.

It didn't help that they also hadn't heard from Wonwoo or Soonyoung about if they had found him or not, and realizing Jun's disappearance from the group didn't help either. Especially since Idalia kept on recalling the dream she had that he was in.

They weren't showing their worries, at least they weren't trying to. Hoping that they could mask the multiple phone calls and texts they sent to Jun from Idalia. Because they could see that she was one moment from breaking.

Idalia, although foggy-minded, could see everyone's worries, she saw how Seungcheol and Jeonghan moved to the hallway and how their expressions were serious as they spoke. She noticed Mingyu attempting to comfort himself while talking messily to Vernon. She saw the angels all sending warm glances but their faces held worry.

She could see everything almost falling apart.

The room's silence was becoming too much, she was inches away from grabbing her jacket and going out on her own to find him, but a bubbling feeling of nervousness kept her feet in the same place.

Idalia was fearful, not him necessarily, well, maybe she was scared of him now, scared of what he could do, or scared of what would happen if no one could get to him. She was afraid of what was happening where he was. And she was frustrated that she didn't know what was happening.

Running a hand through her hair, she noticed in the dim hallway Seungcheol put his phone to his ear and uncontrollably the hair on her neck rose.

She heard his voice raise in loudness, but she couldn't comprehend what he was saying. At this point, many of them shifted their attention to Seungcheol whose face was scrunched up in distaste.

The phone call ended, he stepped out of the hallway and Idalia could see his demeanor change.

"They found Minghao luckily..." Everyone looked more relieved but Seungcheol's face didn't contort from the anger she had never seen before. "...Jun was with him."

She thought this would be a good thing, Jun being with Minghao should be a good thing, but the distaste in Seungcheol's face was the exact opposite emotion she expected him to show.

Maybe it was the energy in the room, maybe it was a gut feeling, or maybe her thoughts of worry stemmed from her dream. Whatever it was, she could tell something was off.

"Jun... he," There was a strain in Seungcheol's voice, she would've never expected a reaction like this from him.

"He forced Minghao to finish his transformation."

A heavy blink was all that she could muster, as she rooted herself back to her cousin and all the pain she went through. Both times the people she cared about she couldn't help.

And for the first time in the angel's life, she felt rage bubbling in her system.

hello! i don't have much to say for the end of this chpt but as always tell me what u think because i love hearing theories or just analysis on the characters and such

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hello! i don't have much to say for the end of this chpt but as always tell me what u think because i love hearing theories or just analysis on the characters and such.

stay safe and healthy <3!

nothing ever changes, xu minghaoWhere stories live. Discover now