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not alone - nct 127


blood moon in 35 days

Wide eyes and open mouths stared at the angel whose appearance was unexpected. Even the ones who were uninterested in her disappearance stared at her with confusion written on their face.

They looked like they saw a ghost and the whole group was silent until one blurted out, "Are you real?" Mingyu reached his hand out waving it to check his vision.

His reaction made a few of the guys around him scoff as they kept their eyes on her intrigued. She only nodded her head, letting the corners of her mouth raise a small amount from his phrase.

If the demons were to look closely at her, then her reddened ears would be easily concerning, but sadly the other more striking parts of her appearance were too strong to look at a smaller detail.

There was an empty seat, the one between Minghao and Mingyu, the spot where she always sat when they had impromptu 'meetings.' The sight made her heart swell, the smallest action that she wasn't forgotten was a nice feeling to have.

A better one to fight the ones she had.

But before she could sit down, something was stopping her, it wasn't anything visible but for some reason, Idalia found it hard to sit next to one of them in particular. If it wasn't for Mingyu excitedly patting on the seat she probably would've found a way not to sit down.

Taking her seat resulting in the guys being able to see her up close, if they didn't see all the small details of her living in torture —then they definitely did now.

"What happened? Where were you?" Surprisingly, Vernon asked tapping against the metal loops of the table. Her eyes did a quick scan on the group before answering, her eyes stopping on Soonyoung for a little longer as his eyes almost looked lifeless.

She puffed out her cheeks, rubbing her cold hands against the sweatpants she wore.

Stick with the plan.

"Surprise, I'm going to die soon," Her voice sputtered out almost as she tried to put on a brave smile but that faltered as soon as it raised on her face.

The ones she could see looked struck, knocked off any idea they had as to where she went but the voice beside her spoke up in the flurry of information.

"You're dying?" Mingyu spoke feeling dumbfounded. The others waited for her to go further into what was happening.

"Death's call," She said simply, Minghao who sat straight looked at his ringed fingers remembering what had happened to her days ago.

Their eyes were widened once again, everyone shocked to hear about someone living with the death call. Unknowing to the majority, a few pairs of eyes looked in Jun's direction with displeasure in their eyes.

"Are you doing okay?" Mingyu asked, recalling all the information he knew on the Death's Call, almost shuddering, remembering the vile symptoms.

She nodded, lying to them all painfully. In the back of her mind, she kept rephrasing the plan. The plan that would complete her goals as an angel.

They wanted to all stay and pry her of information, but with classes starting again they slowly had to leave the feeble angel. One by one they slowly left until there were three.

She, Minghao, and Soonyoung sat. All three minding their own business which left the atmosphere feeling awkward. She couldn't help but gaze at Soonyoung's slouchy posture and dead eyes.

He looked hollow.

She didn't know what was wrong, but something had to be because he wasn't acting like the overly-confident demon she knew, instead, he resembled as lifeless as a corpse.

But in a few moments, he got up, slinging his bag over his shoulder, and trudged to class, placing earbuds in his ears as he walked.

Now it was just them two and the tension-filled air, the awkwardness from their last moments together stayed raked in her mind making it hard for her to speak up, but she had to stick to the plan.

"Has the next cycle came?" She whispered, her voice cutting through the thick air as she moved her torso to face him better.

He looked up to her, staring at her blankly although his dark eyes now had a honey-gold swirling in them. The chaos in his eyes, the clear sight of a battle. Beautiful chaos.

"Has it been hard?" Now her voice is softer, more comforting instead of awkward. Her concern is evident in her tone as well.

"It's fine," He said blankly, still twirling the silver rings on his fingers as the two stared at each other a little too long without words being spoken.

He was almost analyzing her, taking in her paled-out skin, irritated ears, and her golden-brown eyes that used to shine with hope and positivity now grayed out with purple-ish puffy bags under them.

She didn't look great, and that same uncomfortable pulling feeling in his body that happened many times before came back, and he didn't like that feeling.

"Your ears are red," He pointed out, making her quickly fix her hair to hide them, feeling ashamed that she did that to herself.

"You didn't tell them," She questioned, not sure why he didn't reveal where she was, especially with the ones who seemed worried. "It's not my place."


"Thank you," she thanked before pulling out her phone going onto the notes section, where the plan was set out, where all of Jeonghan and her speculation went. The plan that could save Minghao.

His expression didn't change but he paid attention to the words on the phone but he couldn't really understand what it all meant.

But his eyes widened slightly at one of the sentences, making his body tightened.

Blood Moon - The day we save Minghao and the day I die.

Before he could say anything she beat him to it. Ready to expose the plan Jeonghan and her created.

"I have a plan to save you."

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