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like to be you -
shawn mendes & julia micheals


blood moon in 52 days

"How did I even get here?" Idalia pondered, kicking rocks as she walked on the dull concrete, having to recollect herself after leaving the library in a hurry, has left her dumbfounded. She felt at her lowest at this point, utterly confused with herself.

Why is she trying so hard to help someone who has denied that said help multiple times? What makes it even worse is she helped kickstart his transformation yesterday, she has now clicked play on the timer of his death.

Guilt, stupidity, and many more self-hatred feelings were filling her as she continued to walk, with no destination in mind. She was beginning to spiral into a pool of emotions; replaying that night that has stayed ingrained into her mind.

"Why couldn't I just keep to myself, I should've never thought I could change something," She muffled out in frustration, stopping at a bridge that had writings telling her to not give up.

"Why am I like this?"

At this point, desperation hit her as she looked up into the sky hoping for some sort of answers, but at last, there were no answers, just the river below her swaying and the wind blowing effortlessly.

She wished she was something simpler, even at this point being human sounded nice, because then her whole 'save everyone' complex would be more common. But instead, she was an angel, who wanted to unite herself with demons gaining judging glares and confused faces.

She knew what she was doing was hopeless, especially from her recent events, but no matter how hard she tried to pull herself away it never worked. Her façade would soon crumble showing the angel who was kind, but naive, the angel who wanted to love the dark side. She was a whole ordeal that soon the Heavens would realize is an error in their system.

"All Angels should help guide humans, and live in kindness. All angels should protect humans from Demons. Angels should never associate with demons because they have evil intentions that would taint us."

"Aish." She grumbled out picking at the pearlescent pink that was painted on her nails, chipping away at the perfection of purity that was on her fingernails.

"Idalia?" A voice called out softly, the harmonious voice of an angel, so distinctive just by how the voice played. She turned her head around seeing the golden blonde head of hair and his taller statured -at least compared to her. "What are you doing here Jeonghan?" She asked paying attention to how the breeze ran through his hair.

"We saw you stormed out the library, I just wanted to make sure you're okay," His voice was laced with honey and you could almost hear the choir sing from his presence. He was angelic, fitting in perfectly unlike her.


The simple reaction came out so small out of her mouth, they knew that she was with the demon who has caused her problems. Them knowing and him being here made her want to hang her head in shame in front of him. "We're not mad at you Idalia."

The warmth, the caring that spilled from his words was smashing at the dam that held all the emotions she has been holding so dearly to herself for so long, even the ones she didn't understand. Her breaking point was coming near, the mask of perfection would soon fall and be shattered on the ground showing her true self. Idalia; the angel who wasn't angel-like.

"I would understand if you were," she let out staring at her fingernails; not daring to look at the face of someone she held so high in her life. "I want to help you, because I know you're feeling off, something inside of you is trying to be set free, right?"

His voice sounded off in the air as he steps closer to her slowly, waiting for the okay from her, the invite to let him in. "I...I don't think you can help me, this is unfixable," her voice rang off, shaky as more of her mask cracked off, pieces of lies falling to the ground.

"I'm not talking about how you're fixed on helping Minghao, I'm talking about your imbalance, Idalia all those emotions need to be let out so you can know their cause." It was the fact that he didn't discourage the mission she had set herself on, instead, it was the fact that he cared about her feelings, even the dark ones.

Those words knocked off the mask that she was told to wear, the angels who stood higher on the stairs of Heaven telling her that there is only one way to live like an angel. And before she could truly process the freeing feeling she felt, tears sprung from her eyes, falling down her face glowing a soft gold that illuminated her face.

His figure wrapped around her protectively, patting her back at the sound of his tune, that beautiful choir that sang in love. He was the only one that reached out to her, the only one to reach a hand to help her off the wood beam that was so close to breaking.

The person who she always look up to didn't look down on her imperfections, but instead cradle them, giving them his warmth, the signal that everything would eventually be okay.

The scene that only the spiritual world would be able to see was enchanting. The acceptance swirled around them in the signature gold warmth. Or her face, which had a sad expression but had tears of relief that sparkled in the sun's light.

The scene of caring for someone without anything to gain, because truthfully him reaching out to her would make him lose everything.

Don't worry this isn't going to turn into a love triangle, truthfully their friendship is for later purposes so I needed to build it up

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Don't worry this isn't going to turn into a love triangle, truthfully their friendship is for later purposes so I needed to build it up. Anyways, the next couple of chapters are going to focus on them separately as they both get help from other people. Love, Crab!

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