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everything's gonna be alright - to1


blood moon in 45 days

It was unbearable, the heat poked his body, but he was stuck, he couldn't move. He felt awake but not in control as his vision flooded, warmth like a hug came over him. It was inviting until a deep filled hatred awoke inside of him.

He was in a dream. Unsettling, because everything felt touchable but it was all out of reach. But he fought the temptation and urging that the light brought. With all his strength he fought tirelessly. All that energy sprung his real body forward, although unaware.

The room was shrinking, gold flakes chipped off the wall as rust fell as well. His skin was pulling, being pulled to the point where it felt like his skin would fall off. His eyes burned and he ached as his body took over; moving in sharp motions that would lock his body.

Desperateness as the walls closed in, and as he was losing hope, about to succumb to it a voice echoed. It was needy and far away but he recognized it. And as she shouted for him he found the energy to push the wall with all his might even if it was fighting him.

The gold flakes covered his skin, making him sparkle as he screamed in agony pushing the wall with everything inside of him. And in a final shout from her, he pushed the wall, breaking it and releasing him from the torment.

Now everything was blissfully black.

He could feel the bed that was sinking around him from the long amount of being there. He could smell something sweet. So fluttering his eyes open he awoke in his bed. He glanced around while feeling the dryness of his lips when he moved them.

The door was creaked open, and he could hear faint sounds. Trying to rise, his body ached, screaming silently from his movement. He groaned out dryly and he leaned against the wall. Flaring his hands -that were scrunched up before- they cracked as the stiffness oozed away giving him some pleasure.

He felt drained, powerless as he just laid there. Soon from the creaking of the floorboards, the warm angel entered the room. She had a bowl in her arms but stopped abruptly seeing him awake. The water sloshed from the abrasiveness which allowed some to spill out.

"You're awake." She let out, relief escaping after her words as she walked over briskly, not being attentive to the bowl of water.

Setting it down her eyes trailed his face which luckily had gained some color. She looked shocked but soon adjusted sitting down on the empty spot of the bed. "How do you feel?"

"Just as bad as I probably look." He mumbled as she smiled softly reaching for the water bottle on the nightstand and giving it to him. "You look better than before, the days of rest must have actually done something."

She was playing with her fingers at this point, and although his attention went to her hands her eyes stayed on his face. "Four days?" He questioned feeling replenished from the water coating his throat.

"Do you remember anything? You weren't conscious but something happened in your head didn't it?" She asked, curious to see if her guesses from the past two days would be correct. His eyes stopped looking at her hands -which were dainty with chipped nail polish- to answer her question.

"I was pulled into something. It was like a dream but the walls were coming in and it just felt odd. Something inside of me told me to fight it." He refrained from mentioning hearing her, which brought him out.

"My cousin would get those too, your soul wants you to fight the foreign change but in the end, it could kill you. It's best to let it consume you but it's not that simple for anyone." She responded voice straining at the beginning but Minghao brushed past it.

He had so many more questions. For starters, her cousin who he now had to guess was also half-blood. But not wanting to delve into her life he nodded as she said something else.

"Uhm...uhm don't get mad at me for what I am about to tell you," She cautioned as finally looked away from his gaze, even leaning farther away from him. "Your friends found out, I swear I didn't tell them they just kinda walked in."

The room went silent for a second making her quickly spiral into a panic but his voice soon assured her back to calmness, "It's okay, I never told you it had to be a secret. It was probably inevitable."

He connected some dots earlier but her confession finished his thinking. He didn't feel drained for blood nor hungry for it and honestly, he didn't assume an angel would feed him blood. "Really?"

He nodded again as he stretched his arms above his head. After being awake for a little bit he was already starting to feel better. Energized and not as stiff he was ready to get out of that room.

"Truthfully I'm just surprised you survived down here," he trailed off as he propped himself off the bed as she watched carefully, ready to be his crutch again. Looking at her he expected an answer when he realized that the deep purple hoodie seemed familiar and the fact that its sleeves hid her hands a mischievous smile fell onto his lips.

"Nice hoodie Angel," he said, smoothly walking out of the room as she followed and her heart raced fast, which he could hear. The place was empty surprisingly and quite clean as he walked into the kitchen.

Leaning against the counter he breathed in taking in the fresher air of the room. "So I bet you're ready to get back home?" He asked tracing the marble on the counter while looking at her. "It'd be nice." She responded by tucking a piece of her wavy hair behind her ear.

He chuckled a little from her shyness as his thoughts were filled with more pleasant thoughts of the girl which he found odd but couldn't find the means to shake it off. "Okay, let me call the boys and will take you back to the university."

She nodded again, she was hesitant about leaving, nervous that his health would plummet once she left. She knew his friends would help him but there was still worry in her mind. "For my cousin, the next shift would complete the change of your eyes, she even became more devious after. Don't fight it. It'll destroy you."

It was the best advice she could give as he nodded leaving the room to call Seungcheol. Waiting for their arrival the two sat in relatively silent except for the condition checks she would give. He wanted to brush her off but couldn't find the fight inside him for her.

It was an uneasy feeling, his nerves were heightened as she peered into his eyes that still held swirls of defiance from good and evil. For once in his life, he felt something other than anger or boredom from an angel or even anyone other than his friends.

When the doorbell rang the two got up as she made sure to grab all her things which luckily wasn't a lot. They all use the same plan as last time, being tossed on Mingkyu's shoulder they all made their way out as Minghao held her things in his grip.

Making it back to the university safely she got back on the ground feeling relief of being somewhere that wasn't so red. The boys said their goodbyes fondly at her as Minghao separated himself from the group to talk to her.

"Here are your things," he said, handing them to her and she thanked him. Ready to leave she turned around ready to go into angel form until his voice stopped her in place. "Thank you."

he's changing

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he's changing...!?

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