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tide - niki


"Where were you for five days!" Seokmins voice echoed as she sat down at a desk beside him. All her friends were staring at her expecting an answer. Instead of one that would be satisfying, she just shrugged, lazily pulling out a notebook.

A couple grunted from her while Seokmin continued to pester, "Idalia you were missing, I even went to your place, you weren't in heaven so where were you?"

She didn't want to answer, because she knew her answer would leave them in disgust and at that moment she just wanted to breathe in the less smoky air.

No answer coming from her, he puffed out his cheeks feeling hurt from her. He wanted to know where his friend was.

But would he still be her friend if he found out?

Eventually, minutes before the bell ringed two demons trudged in -in their normal form- as gazes fixed on them. Wonwoo and Mingyu weren't paying attention to anyone until they walked past Idalia, sending her a glance only she would be able to understand.

That didn't stop one angel who knew the most about her to ponder, his mind eventually going to a specific demon that Idalia didn't want to admit she was keen on.

Saving his thoughts for a later time the class began. Mindlessly Idalia tried to pay attention but from the days missed playing catch-up was a lot harder than she intended.

Soon the class ended, and with a sigh of relief, she packed her stuff and stretched in her chair. She signaled her friends, waving a good-bye, exiting the room quickly.

Trudging through the halls she paid attention to the blend of humans, angels, and demons. Everyone is not intersecting but somehow managing each other's presence.

The halls started to empty as the next period was about to start but luckily her classes were done for the day.

Ready to leave she made her way to the big entrance doors that had the sun shining through them.

Suddenly the hairs on the back of her neck spiked up making her turn her head back towards the hallway. No one was there.

Rubbing her nape she shrugged it off, blaming the wind. That was until a voice whispered in her ear.

"Behind you."

She whipped her head around, to see nobody, the halls were still empty. Irritation bubbled in her from fear as she marched outside.

She kept looking side to side, paranoid from the whisper. She didn't even take note of the demons sitting in their usual spot. Nor the one in particular watching her panic.

She clutched onto the strap of her bag, rubbing her ear with one hand. She felt delusional, because who would do that to her?

From all the thoughts jumbled in her head, she didn't notice the figure ahead on his phone, making both of them crash into each other.

Sending her a few steps back, she rubbed her head which hit something hard. The collision snapped her out of thoughts. Looking up she noticed a particular demon who looked angered from the incident.

"Fucking watch where you're going!" He growled out, eyes darkening as he stood taller and broader than her.

Already on edge, she glanced at the phone he gripped in one hand. It is facing her forehead. She huffed out air as it felt like she was about to explode.

She didn't know why she was so angry but not being able to control it she scoffed, "You weren't paying attention either." She pointed towards his phone lazily.

Her response caused a devious smile to dance on his lips as he raked his hand through his rust-colored hair, "Oh, it's not every day I see such a bold Angel."

Her eyes rolled from his words, cursing him in her head as he stepped closer, "Get away from me." She denied pushing him back with the palm of her hand.

"You're really pissing me off." He muttered, playing with the lip ring on his lips as his raven wings expanded and his eyes glowed red.

She puffed out more air as the hair on her neck spiked up once again, words whispering in her ear.

"Behind you."

She whipped her head again, no one there. "What the fuck," she mumbled making the demon in front of her cock his head at her weird behavior.

Facing him again she added, "Let's just go our separate ways, no need for you to go all bad-boy on me, okay? Good." She was beginning to walk past him until his hand blocked her.

"Not so fast, I'm craving angel blood now." He said, voice dropping in pitch.

She sighed again, the anger inside of her depleting but now her focus was back on the voice she was hearing. She could care less about this guy.

"Well, find someone else, I'm busy." She responded as his eyes shrank at her, fangs exposed.

She wasn't afraid, and truthfully she didn't know why, but for some reason, she just didn't find the demon scary one bit.

That was until he grabbed her neck, raising her off the ground. Her hands automatically went on top of his, trying to pry it off. In response her wings expanded, the sun shining on them.

Before he could say or act a voice echoed behind her, "Let her down Eunwoo, now." He commanded as Idalia's eyebrows raised, automatically knowing who it was.

Eunwoo laughed, his eyes still glowing as he looked past her towards the figure. "And what are you going to do if I don't, Minghao?" He taunted, feeling overly confident.

But more footsteps joined from behind as Minghao answered, "I don't mind getting my hands dirty. But I don't think you want to die just yet so let her go." His voice grew, seriousness dripping from it as he stepped forward, eyes flashing in red.

Eunwoo's face slacked as he dropped Idalia back down. She coughed dryly rubbing her neck where his hands were. Eunwoo muttered, "I'll be back for you angel," He sauntered off, transforming back into his human-like form.

Minghao sent him a glare as he walked by him as his friends did the same. He took steps towards Idalia picking up her bag that fell earlier as she subsided her cough.

Handing the bag to her she nodded towards him as a 'Thank You.' She pushed pieces of hair behind her ears as Minghao's eyes stared at her neck, which now had a red handprint around it.

"You really know how to make demons mad, huh?"

"You really know how to make demons mad, huh?"

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What's happening to her??

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