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It's my bae's 23rd birthday!!!! OMG IM SO EXCITED!😭😭😝 I love her so much it's crazy how fast time goes by..😫💕

---- hope you enjoy this update I know it's been a while.. Sorry for any mistakes☺️

{ The Study date } ft Lauren Jauregui 😻👅

Ariana's POV

"But mom please can I go, I promise to do better next time." I begged my mom

"No, now I'm sorry ariana but you were supposed to do better last time and you didn't, which is exactly why you're going to have to get a tutor."

You see this is my life... A life of a girl who can't pass history or she can't go out to a party.

"But mom.." I tried to beg again

"Not buts Ariana. I will be calling you a tutor and whoever they are will be here tomorrow to help you." She said turning to look at me.

I opened my mouth to protest but she gave me that look. You know that look that parents give when you know you better stop talking.

I sighed and stumped my way upstairs.

"Ugh..My life is so unfair!" I yelled when I reached the top.

"I know what kind of mother am I for wanting my daughter to actually lean something for once, and not party!"

I rolled my eyes and slammed my room door shut as I flopped on my bed. I sighed and decided since I wasn't going out anywhere any time soon to just take a shower and watch some movies.


The next day

"Ariana wake up." I groaned as I felt my mother try once again to get me up.

"Ugh.. Mom it's only-" I stopped in mid sentence to look at my phone on the nightstand. "10 am. What gives?" I asked as I rolled over in my comfortable bed to look at her.

"You need to get up. Remember your tutor is coming this morning." She said with a smile and I rolled my eyes.

"This early?" I mumbled and pulled the covers over my head.

"Yes. You better be up and ready within an hour."

I sat up and ran a hand through my messy hair as I watched her leave. She gave me one last look before completely waking out and I gave her a fake smile and a thumbs up.

I then heard the door close and my head hit my pillow.

"Fuck my life." I said with my head into the pillow.

But I still managed to get up, no matter how tired I was and how dumb I thought this all was, and went to freshen up.

"Who did you even get to be my tutor?" I asked once I made it downstairs.

"Don't worry I think you'll like them. But I have to go out for a few hours so it'll just be the two of you here-"

No was cut off by the sound of the door bell.

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