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Ariana Grande & Y/N -cheating {part 2}


Ariana's POV.

"Bella baby! Come here!" I shouted as I sat on the floor of my new apartment, staring at the ceiling as I waited for the day to slip away, just like every other day.

"Yes mommy?"

I smiled when I saw my baby run into the room.

I'm so happy after everything that's happened Y/N changed her mind and still let me see her

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I'm so happy after everything that's happened Y/N changed her mind and still let me see her. No matter what I never wanted her to be in the middle of this.

"Are you ready to go see auntie Lizzy?"

"Oh yes mommy, I'm ready!"

I smiled and played with the ends of her long hair. "Ok, go grab your bags so we can go."

Lizzy, my best friend, also happens to be Y/N's younger sister. They are total opposites, nothing a like at all. I have yet to tell her about Y/N and I but I know when I do she's gonna be pissed.

But if I had it my way I wouldn't be here, I would be there with her, cuddled up on the couch, watching our favorite show Grey's Anatomy. As I wonder how I ever got so lucky. But instead I was alone with only my thoughts and memories of everything Y/N and I had been through.

Especially the night I came back to grab my things. It only got worse...

"I don't get why you are overreacting!" Y/N yelled as I sat on the bed I once shared with her, my body covered in a scandalous, red and black laced outfit showing off the skin of my body.

"Y/N, all I asked was where you got the hickey from?" I calmly said, gesturing my finger towards her neck, which had a large mark on the side, resembling the one she had left on me before leaving for a late night studio session.

"Why does it matter?" Her voice was still raised as she turned towards me, rage in her eyes.

"Because I am your girlfriend, who hasn't seen her woman in two weeks. I bought this outfit special for tonight and was excited to see you again. And then as soon as she comes in, as she strips to take me on this bed, I notice the hickey, and the scratches down your back. Not to mention you didn't come home last night but I figured that was just because...."

"What, I was cheating on you, cause I was!" She snapped before I could finish my statement.

"I was going to say tired after the studio." I whispered.

𝔸𝕣𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕒 𝔾𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖 𝔼𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕤Where stories live. Discover now