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Touch yourself - Ariana & y/n


"Y/N please, just pull over"

"no, we can't be late"

"Y/NNNN" I pouted revealing that signature smirk of her's. I would never usually beg for sex, but I was in serious need. "Y/N, please" I begged just above a whisper.

"I need you Y/N, pull over"

"can't do, love" she shrugged and continued liking at the road.

"then what am I supposed to do, love?" I mocked her words, I needed to be touched.

"Sort yourself out, you don't need me" she smirked once again.

"are you being serious, you've done it before, just Y/N!" I grabbed her hand and placed it up my skirt and over my soaked panties.

Gripping her arm tighter and tighter, wanting her to do something about my situation. And now.

"Nah ah ah" she pulled away her hand and shook her head. "Fine".

I reached for my skirt, hitting a point where I couldn't wait for Y/N's anymore and I can just fix it myself. I pulled my skirt up, exposing my lace panties. My hand slipped in as I collected my juices on my finger. Bringing my fingers to my clit and rubbing slow circles. "Oh my god Y/N" my touch sending my body pleasure. I began to rub my clit as my other hand tried to pull my lace panties down. I put my leg furthest from Y/N on the dash, giving me an angle.

My hand stopped working my clit and moved to my entrance, poking in a finger.

My head flew back as my eyes closed, Y/N's name leaving my parted lips. I felt her eyes hit me and I knew this was what she wanted, why she denied to touch me. My other hand moved from it's rested place on my boob down to my clit again.

Rubbing my fingers over it fast as I added another finger into me. "Oh fuck, Y/N!" I almost screamed. She coughed and I opened my eyes to catch her glimpsing at me with a large bulge in her pants. I slouched into the car seat as my fingers continued the work on my centre. My eyes fluttered closed again as I imagined Y/N's hands in me instead of mine.

The pit in my stomach coming faster and faster, "ho-holy sh-shit!" I continued to moan out Y/N's name over and over and soon I was seconds away from my climax.

My hands were becoming to get tired but that didn't slow me down, I went thrusted my fingers faster, adding a third. Seconds past and my climax ripped through me. I screamed Y/N's name as wave after wave of pleasure hit your body. My back arched against the seat, my toes curled and my legs shook. It was probably one of the best orgasms I've ever had, and by far the best I've given myself. Y/N's eyes were on me the entire time, with the exemption of having to look at the road. My breath was heavy as I pulled your hands away. I pulled up your knickers and pulled down my dress, covering my previously exposed skin.

I raised my hand up to my mouth and met eye contact with Y/N. I placed the fingers that were just inside me in my  mouth, sucking and licking off my cum. A loud moan left Y/N's lip as I chuckled at her.

"Okay babe, nice show, now fix this, please."

"huh? What? No, we can't be late" I said as I gave Y/N an innocent look before your eyes trailed down and saw her bulge about to rip her pants.

"Please." She begged while throwing her head back and bitting her lip which made her look extra attractive but I refused to give in.

"sort yourself out, you don't need me", I winked at Y/N before turning my head and staring out of the window, watching the objects outside past by.


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