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Ariana's POV

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Ariana's POV.

It had been a week since Lauren and I had spoken, we had gotten into this big fight over the fact that Lauren thought I was getting a bit to friendly with Camila, I assured her nothing was going on but she just didn't believe me.

After a while I got tired of yelling and stormed out and that's how we got to this point. I had received a text this morning from Lauren asking if I would come to her and the girls concert tonight, it took a bit of convincing but I agreed.

The concert had already started when I arrived, my seat was somewhere in the middle closer to the front. They had finished singing "I lied" when Lauren's eyes met with mine, she moved closer to the edge of the stage and began speaking "so guys a week ago I made the mistake of accusing someone very special to me of doing something they hadn't done, today in front of you all I want to sing this song as a way of saying sorry to this person." She started singing the song that we had wrote together in her room when we were in school together.

By the end of the song I was almost in tears, she looked at me one more time her eyes filled with love.

A while after the concert had finished I worked up the nerves to talk to her and ran into her tour bus, she was on the couch with the girls who as soon as they saw you ran outside and closed the door. Lauren stood up, she looked as if she was going to say something so I ran into her arms and kissed her.

We stood passionately kissing each other for what felt like an hour when lauren pulled back rested her forehead against mine, she looked into my brown eyes with her beautiful green eyes and said "I am so sorry I accused you of cheating on me with Camila, this week has been hell not being able to kiss you to talk to you to hold you I love you so much Ariana."

My eyes started to feel back up with tears as I replied back "I love you to, I love you so much" I kissed her again and heard 4 loud aww's coming from the door.

Lauren and I both looked at each other and opend the door Camila, Ally, Dinah and Normani all came crashing through it so it had been pretty obvious they had listened to everything that had just happened with Lauren and I . I laughed and kissed lauren again while hearing Dinah shout "you guys are totally endgame"


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