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Ariana Grande & Billie Eilish- wanna know you forever❤️

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Ariana's POV.

"Billie oh my gosh it's so nice to meet you!" I squealed while pulling her into a tight hug.

"Nice to meet me? It's an honor to be in your presence queen." She said as she dramatically bowed down to me.

"Oh stop!" I laughed lightly feeling my face began to heat up.

"Seriously like you have to be the most gorgeous person in the world!"

"I have nothing compared to you, have you seen your fucking eyes?"

She shrugged. "Eh they're alright. But you-dude you are amazingly beautiful!"

She held my hands in hers as she just stared at me. I gave her a awkward smile and tried to take my hands away but she wasn't budging.

"Hey you planning on letting me have my hands back anytime soon?"

"Nope. It wasn't in the books." She said full of confidence.

I giggled at how she was wiggling her thick eyebrows up and down. "You're cute."

"Pshhh what me? Cute?"

"Pshh yes you, crazy. I think you're cute." I said poking her nose.

She tried to hide it, but I could still notice that she was blushing pretty hard.

"Hey, no fair I'm the one who makes the ladies blush, not the other way around."

I shrugged. "Welp, it's seems as though things changed."

After chatting with the younger girl for a while, I went on to enjoy the after party. Mingling with some long time friends and having a few drinks. But the whole time I couldn't help but notice how Billie would steal innocent glances at me.

I would send her a smile and blow her a kiss making her pretend to catch it. She is so fucking hilarious omg.

Towards the end of the night, Billie and I had somehow met back up and hung out more. As the hours cruised by, I couldn't help but lose track of time.

It's true what they say, time really fly's by when your having fun.

"So uhhh, what are you doing tonight?"

I smiled as I watched Billie nervously start to fondle with her fingers.

"Aw Billie, if you wanna spend more time with me, just say so." I teased making her smile and look away from me.

She looked back up from her feet and bit down on her lip as our eyes met. "So."

*Two weeks later.*

"So what do ya think?" I asked as I stepped out of the booth walking back into the studio.

Billie sat in the chair swirling around. She stopped instantly when she heard my voice.

"What do I think? I fucking loved it woman!"

I giggled at her enthusiasm. We've been spending a lot of time together the past couple of weeks, and I can honestly say that I've enjoyed every minute of it.

Spending all this time with her did have its pros and cons. Pros; I loved her company, and we got along great! Cons; I'm starting to feel something that I haven't in a while.

....Something that I'm not sure I have any control over.

My feelings.

But I had to keep reminding myself that she was young, only 18 and that my thoughts of her were nothing short of inappropriate. There was no way I should be having dreams about being with her in ways that I'd never been with any other woman.

I bowed my head. "Well thank you Bil, means a lot coming from you."

She waved me off playfully as I took a seat across from her propping my feet up on her lap. She smiled at me and tapped on my feet with her long acrylic nails.

"You have the voice of an angel."

"So do you Bil." I spoke softly feeling my cheeks start to heat up from her compliment.

"You're just as beautiful as one too. I hope you know that Ari."

Looking at her completely took my breath away. She was so beautiful. Her current blonde hair flowing down her face. Complimenting her beautiful icy eyes and gorgeous face structure.

When I finally shook myself from my thoughts I noticed that Billie was just staring at me.

I scrunched you my nose and giggled. "What is it Billie? Why you lookin' at me like that?"

It seemed like she was looking straight through me.

She stared at me for a moment longer then shook her head letting my feet go and pushing herself away from me. "Nothing. It's crazy so never mind."

I pouted up at her and grabbed her hands pulling her back to me, making her meet my eye contact. "No. Tell me, I promise not to judge you Billie."

She just shrugged again.

"It's just- I dunno why, but I feel like I've know you forever. I feel like once we leave this house, everything's gonna change."

After a moment of silence I cleared my throat.

"Maybe I wanna know you forever too."

She gave me her famous grin and nodded. "Of course darling, who wouldn't?"

I couldn't help but laugh at her silliness. Billie Eilish is really something else. But I like it.



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