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Ariana Grande & Male Y/N -This is perfect

Ariana's POV.

"Wow so this is really happening?"

"Yeah I guess so."

"It's really over? For good?"

"What do you think?"

"You're really going to try and cover it up Y/N!? Seriously? As if you haven't been going out almost every single night since you got back from tour, doing god knows what, to god knows who? I'm right here Y/N.. You can't keep ignoring me like this, I can't take it!" I spoke, my voice weak and raspy.

The tears were threatening to spill from my eyes, just like they had been for the past two weeks. I'm just so done, with everything. The last few days I had managed to contain myself around Y/N, only asking him subtle questions instead of pressing too much.

I thought that maybe this tour had taken its toll on him and the band and I wanted to give him his space, but when I asked around, I found out that he was going out with his friends, to the club almost every night.

Now, he was pacing from side to side in our shared bedroom, his eyes glued to the floor and his face stuck in an unreadable expression. His actions were only increasing my rising anxiety and his lack of words were usually a telltale sign that he had done something wrong, Y/N was never one to be quiet.

"You can't even talk to me now?! Huh, what happened to 'communication is key', Y/N? Was everything you said to me on tour just part of a stupid game you were playing!? Is there someone else Y/N?"

I waved my hands in the air whilst talking, as if it would somehow explain all of the emotions I was feeling. I stood up from the edge of the bed I was sitting on.

"For fuck sake, Y/N. Is there someone else!? You tell me right now!"

I was just about yelling at this point, no matter how hard you were trying to keep your voice at a normal level.

"You think I would do that to you Ariana? Really? You think I'm so low that I'd stoop to that level?" He hissed right back at me, his sudden outburst making me take a step back. He had never been like this with me, it had been our first real fight in the two years we had been dating and to be honest, I had never seen this side of him.

"Why can't I just go out and have fun!? Why don't you trust me anymore Ariana? Tour is hard enough, I thought you knew that. Now that I'm back all you can do is ask me a million questions and accuse me of cheating, really!?" He growled, his voice not once faltering. I could tell that he was still angry though, the frustration evident in his words.

"You've barely spoken to me in the past two weeks Y/N, I gave you space after tour because I know you and I know it's hard! But you'd rather spend your time in some shitty nightclub than with me!? Why is that, Y/N!? Everything points to you cheating on me, and yet you still haven't even denied it.. I just want to know why?" I scoffed, stepping forward now to meet his face.

"Maybe this just isn't working out anymore Ariana! Dammit!" He spat. "I don't know what else I can do!"

Tears began to stream down my cheeks, I just couldn't stop them.

"I wasn't expecting that" I replied honestly, my voice coming out in almost a whisper. I stood in silence for what seemed like forever, my head hanging low, I slowly broke the quiet.

"I'll leave" I meant it. I had nothing else to say to him.

I willed my legs to start working again as I calmly walked over to the closet and grabbed a bag, shoving a few items of clothing inside before I zipped it up. My mind had gone kind of fuzzy and it hurt that Y/N was making no effort to stop me. When I turned around, his face was slightly scrunched, at least that's what my blurred vision could see. I made it to the door before he finally spoke.

"Stop Ariana, don't" Y/N mumbled and even without looking at him, I could tell he was wringing his fingers together nervously.

But I didn't turn around, I kept walking, down the stairs and out the front door. I grabbed my keys on the way out and was just about to open my car when you heard him.

"Ariana!" He cried, the severity of what he said earlier seeming to have finally settled in. "Ariana! Fuck, Stop!" He continued, running down the steps of our home and through the grass.

I struggled to put the key into the car door, my whole body shaking, but as soon as Y/N caught up with me he took my hands in his. His presence calmed me instantly and I cursed under my breath that he had this much of an effect on me.

"Ariana stop, please. I fucked up. I didn't mean what I said, I don't even know why I said it in the first place. I was angry and I was acting stupidly, just come back inside so we can talk." He rambled, his eyes staring deeply into mine. His hands clutched mine like his life depended on it and I found it hard, but not impossible to say no.

"Then why did you say it in the first place Y/N? Stop pretending like you didn't mean it, I'm leaving.. since that's what you really want" I sighed, tugging my hands out of her grip.

"No, I promise I didn't mean it Ari, I'm just- I," Y/N hesitated, "I've never really been in such a long term relationship, okay?.. and tour always managed to rid me of any partners, but I didn't really mind that because it was easy, it was easy for me to have an excuse to break up with them. But you- you stayed with me and.. it scared me. I've never gotten through it all with someone but with you, we did it all together. I know I'm gonna fuck everything up, just like today, but it's so much easier to push you away than be with you Ariana. I don't know why I do it but all I know is that I'm scared.. I'm scared of being with you because I love you so much that my heart physically hurts when I'm around you and sometimes I can't explain how I feel about you but I know that I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

I stood there quietly not knowing exactly what to say. I didn't know if I could really believe him or if he was only saying this to keep me here. He sniffed as he shrugged and slowly grabbed my hands back into his.

"And to be clear, I never cheated on you and I never, ever would. You're the best thing that has happened to me Ariana. I went out partying to clubs because I don't know what to do with myself. This is terrifying." He says as she gestures between our bodies.

"Woah" I finally breath out. That was a lot to take in. I had always been the one to dive in to my emotions in our relationship, Y/N I felt was always too broken to do the same, at least that's what I thought. Maybe I had finally gotten inside of his odd wired brain. I wanted to help him, to save him.. and maybe I had done just that.

"I'm sorry that I accused you of anything, the truth is that I'm scared too Y/N, the only thing I know for certain is that I love you." I swooned, leaning in to press the softest kiss on his soft, plump lips. I could feel him smiling into the kiss and it made me smile.

I wrapped my arms around his tall frame and hugged him tightly, resting my head against his hard chest.

As I stared up into his deep green eyes he stared back down into my brown ones. "This is perfect." We both muttered at the same time.

And it really was...




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