Mulberry Park

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Thunder roller and rumbled, lighting flashed a bleak light and rain drops beat down hard and fast on the roof top. The storm outside was magnificent and terrifying, but the terror that had Sumaya in it's grip transcended the storm. She was blessedly alone at home for the next few minutes, but this would not last as Hamza and the boys would soon be home after esha.
"Hamza! My favorite Hamza! My best friend! My heart! My love! How could you do this to me?! How?!? Why, oh why? It has to be a mistake! Oh Hamza.." Sumaya moaned to herself. At the same time she berated herself, "why did you have to go looking through his phone? Don't you have enough pictures on your own phone? Did you have to read those messages Sumaya? Did you have to be so nosy?"

When Hamza, Yaseen and Talha returned from the masjid, Sumaya had manged to get herself in some kind of order. As was their family tradition, the boys set the table in anticipation of dessert which was also a daily routine. Sumaya got out the hot, sticky-toffee pudding, the warm custard and vanilla ice-cream and served the boys first and Hamza last. She was constantly on a diet and seldom ate dessert but today, she helped herself to an extra large serving before sitting to Hamza's right. Hamza quirked an eyebrow in her direction, but she pretended to be unaware and avoided making eye contact. He knew her to well. If she had looked into his eyes he would immediately know something was amiss and she was not ready to deal with the situation yet.

Barley tasting the sweet dish, Sumaya listened attentively to yaseen's account of his day. Between her 2 boys, he was the louder one. Yaseen enjoyed telling jokes and getting upto pranks. Talha, the elder one by 2 years, was very mature for fourteen. He took his hifz very seriously and he was somewhat and artist. He drew beautiful sketches of masjids and buildings. Sumaya and Hamza were very thankful that Allah had given them such good sons. Sumaya knew without a shadow of doubt that it was only through the barkah of daily ta'leem, salah in the masjid and the open communication which was part of their lives. Sumaya had grown up in a totally morden household. Hamza and her had had an arranged marriage and it was only because she had been awestruck by his beauty when she had seen him. After their marriage he had showered her with such love and kindness that his guidance towards a more Islamically practical life was met with eagerness from her. She would do anything to please him. She had grown to realize that a Muslim’s one, only and true love should be Allah and she was content with this belief. She loved Hamza even more for giving her such content and a happy life,that is, until now.

The boys finished up in the kitchen and went up to their bedrooms. Hamza took Sumaya's hand and they walked towards their bedroom. They completed their ritual of making wudu and performing 2 rakats nafel salaah, just incase they missed tahajjud and finally settled into bed. Sumaya settled in to the crook of Hamza's arm and tried to sleep. Within a matter of moments she could feel the strong beat of Hamza's heart and hear his deep breathing. He was asleep. Silently she allowed tears to flow. "Did this kind  gentle man, this soft spoken, lovable husband of her's, really?! Could he be cheating on her?!??"


"Oh Allah! What have I done? What have I gotten myself into? How could I be so stupid? Did I really expect never to get caught! I know Sumaya knows something.." Hamza sat in their material shop in the morning deep in thought. He was filled with guilt, remorse and trepidation. He knew somehow Sumaya had found out. About Tasneem.

Tasneem had walked into" LACE CENTER" almost 6 months ago looking for work. The minute she had walked in Hamza had been uneasy. She was tall and had a perfect size 8 body he remembered guiltily. She had beautiful, big brown eyes, an aristocratic looking nose,soft pink lips and glorious brown hair. When she approached and spoke to him her voice sounded like music to his ears. Against his better judgment he had hired her and to be honest he had fallen for her. She was also very talkative and had a bubbly personality that just drew a person in. The other 6 staff had welcomed her warmly and she was efficient in her work. The only problem was the feelings she aroused in him. Hamza found every opportunity to engage her in mundane conversation which later on began taking on a more personal note. They had exchanged phone numbers awhile now and regularly texted each other. Unbeknown to Sumaya, Hamza was also ferring Tasneem to and from work. He didn't know what had come over him,but Hamza knew he was simply besotted. When he was with Tasneem he forgot all about Sumaya, and when he was with Sumaya all he could think about was Tasneem.

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