The Cupcake Run

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For Ahmed Adam will power and control were his trademark. It was these qualities that had helped him to do a 360° turn and change his life from a party animal to an upstanding young man in the small Muslim community of Howick. There was however one thing that could break Ahmed's resolve! One thing that he loved so much that it weakened his resolve! Just that one thing, and it would weaken him, it was his kryptonite. Tasty, soft, creamy, sweet CUP-CAKES!!!
Recently his mom had begun pestering him about marriage, and Ahmed had very seriously replied," I'll marry the first girl who makes a cupcake that will transport me straight to heaven!"

And so began the samoosa run...or should I say "cupcake run!"
A dozen cupcakes later, Ahmed was frustrated. Couldn't any girl bake a decent cupcake? They all sure as sugar knew how to ice their faces to perfection, so why were they not able to bake a simple cake? The girls though somewhat different simultaneously seemed to be cut from the same piece of cloth. Skinny to the point of starvation, annoyingly high pitched voices, camel humps, and marshmallows for brains. How did a guy find a decent girl?


Fatima Desia was a simple girl with simple wants. She had faced reality a long time ago along with shelving her fantasies of prince charming. She would settle for a "Simple Simon" because she was a " Plain Jane.” She was tan in complexion with normal hair, normal eyes, in fact, normal everything apart from her very abnormal figure. She was pear-shaped. Her shapely hips extended from the east of the earth to the west. However, her sunny disposition had earned her many friends, so she was not the sad, depressed, or bitter person one might have expected.

Fatima had not completed her schooling. After grade 9, when all her classmates were making career choices, she had also taken the bull by the horns and told her parents that she wanted to go to pastry school. Baking was her passion, and now seven years down the road she had a successful home industry called, " Suger and Spice". Fatima didn't deal in the fancy bakeware that was all the rage of the moment, rather she provided quality. Simple cakes and biscuits. What may be lacking in flair, she most definitely covered up in taste. She had many regular customers who kept her happily busy in the kitchen.

This weekend Ahmed was taking his mom to visit his sister, Hasina in Pietermaritzburg. Ahmed and Hasina had always been close, and when she had gotten married last year, Ahmed had lost his best friend. However, Sahal, Hasina's husband was very hospitable and welcomed the family warmly whenever they visited

As they pulled into the driveway Ahmed sighed," Ma, I need a cup of tea. I hope Hasina has some tasty cupcakes to go with!"

At the tea table, Ahmed smiled in delight," Hasina this is yummy! If I have to settle for a wife who cannot bake, you're going to have to keep me supplied with these yummy cakes."

"Silly! I didn't make them, but I do happen to know that the lady who has, is not married. Should I arrange a meeting? Hasina asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

Then and there Ahmed decided that she was the one. The cupcakes were so good that he frankly did not care about what the baker looked like. He was ready to marry her like...Yesterday!!! His mother, however, managed to talk some sense in him and they promptly arranged a meeting with the 'Baking Goddess!'

As Ahmed got into the car to drive to the Desai resistance he had to admit that his curiosity had been piqued. After all the " made-up-dolls" he had seen, he was hoping for somebody normal. An ordinary, loving face he could look forward to seeing at the end of each day, instead of a shrieking, attention-seeking banshee, who only smiled long enough to take a selfie.

Fatima felt calm today. For some reason, she felt that today might be a turning point in her life. Someone was coming to see her and their passions had spoken to each other. He had been so blown away by her simple vanilla cupcakes, that he had been ready to perform the nikkah immediately. His sister Hasina was a sweet girl who often spoke of her brother. He seemed decent enough. Hopefully, he was not looking for Katrina Kaif and Angelina Jolie rolled into one. She dressed with care in a simple black cloak, an animal print kashka scarf, and a touch of bronze shadow with a pink lipgloss. She looked simply pretty. She was what she was, and if he wanted more, he'd have to knock on some other door.

When Fatima walked into the lounge, Ahmed smiled. She was perfect. Plain and simple, like a breath of fresh air. She had substance, and one look was all it took to know that if he hugged her a little too tight, she would not snap like a toothpick. Her black cloak could not hide her womanly, childbearing hips, and as she moved around serving tea, Ahmed could not help the feeling of something stirring deep within him.
"Would you like to speak to Fatima outside in the garden?" Mr Desai asked.

If Fatima dosen't mind , I'd love to,”Ahmed replied. The 2 of them took their tea out to the pool area in full view of everybody, but still far enough to have a private conversation.

Both of them felt it. A sense of belonging, a feeling of coming home. There was no awkward silence, no nerves...just a feeling of everything being right with the world.

Ahmed didn't need time to think. As they left the Desai home he urged his mom to forward a formal proposal, which she happily did.

5 years later Fatima smiled as she set the breakfast table. Ahmed would come down with Ziyaad in a few moments, and father and son would both greet her with the same words as they had been doing since Ziyaad could talk.

" Mmmm...the yummiest cup cakes by far made by our #1 star!!"

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Written by:Ummi Ahmed🌺
Posted by:H.doolly🌹

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