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Anisa was bored. It was a sweltering hot day with not even a hint of a breeze. The classroom windows were open but they just let in more hot air. Thankfully it was the last lesson of the day and it was Friday, the last day of the school week. Ten minutes later the buzzer sounded and everybody rushed out. The weekend had begun!
Anisa was happy that the weekend had finally arrived but there was just one problem. The party on Saturday night! Suhayfa, her best friend turned 16 during the week and her parents were throwing a big birthday bash for her. Anisa's parents had flat out forbidden her to go. Though the girls were the best of friends, their family backgrounds were as different as chalk and cheese.

Anisa came from a very religious family. Her father, a doctor, was deeply steeped in Jamaat work and her mom was an aalima who thought in the local maktaab. When you looked at Anisa's family your mind registered" Muslims". On the other hand, Suhayfa's dad was also a doctor, good-looking, clean-shaven, dressed in stylish menswear and he only ever visited the masjid on Friday. Her mom stayed at home, spending her time on her wardrobe and appearance. Their home was huge and Suhayfa was an only child. She was spoilt rotten. Only Allah knew how two girls such as these could be such close friends. Maybe it was because they accepted each other for who they were. Suhayfa didn't deride Anisa for her modest attire and head scarf and in turn, Anisa didn't preach to Suhayfa. They were times, though when Anisa felt deprived. This weekend being a typical example. She always listened to her parents and she knew they only had her benefit in mind, but for once she just wanted to be like a normal teenager.

They had not given permission for the party, but a spark of rebellion egged her on. She was going! She didn't know how but she definitely was. In fact she hadn't even told Suhayfa that her parents had objected. Feeling a tad better about her decision Anisa spent Friday night locked up in her room trying to put an outfit together. She didn't own any jeans but she was definitely not pitching up at the party looking like a desert bedouin, all togged out in a cloak! Rummaging around she finally had an idea. She had a pretty sequined dress in black that some distant aunt had sent for her. Anisa had never worn it because t was sleeveless and her mom said it was to tight fittingAnisa took out the dress taking the shears to it and transformed it into a shorter dress. She found some white pants and put the outfit on. Some make up and jewellery should complete the ensemble, and, oh she would borrow her mom's silver high heeled sandals. It was fortunate that her parents indulged her other passion, make-up. So long as it was not over the top, they didn't mind. All excited Anisa hid everything away and began to plot her plan of action...

"Ma, yesterday I met Aunty Feroza. She was asking if I could go to her house later tonight. Saleha is having some problem with her Arabic subject in school and she asked if I can help her out?" Anisa looked expectantly at her mother. Usually such requests were not denied.
"Gee, okay you can go but check with your father whether he'll be around to pick you up later on." Anisa nodded and smiled in agreement. The day was dragging. Anisa's dad had agreed that she would return home with saleha's dad when they were done as they was a programme in the masjid and he would probably spend the night there.

At around half past five Anisa had a bath, did her make-up and finally slipped a cloak on, over her party outfit. " Ma, can I borrow your silver sandals?" She peeped into her mothers bedroom. Her mom, who was busy reading quraan, nodded in the affirmative. "Jazakallah!" Anisa hugged her mom," Dont worry about supper for me, I'll eat at aunty Feroza's." With that Anisa left the house. Earlier she had indeed made plans with Saleha. Aunty Feroza was going to drop the girls at Suhayfa's house and she would also pick them up by 10 'o' clock.

" My, you look pretty." Aunty Feroza said." I wish Saleha didn't feel shy about wearing a cloak to a party." She smiled at her daughter." After all we are muslims." Hearing this Anisa felt guilty.

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