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Life, so far, had not been very kind to Amina. Her parents had passed away in the 9/11 plane crash, and at the tender age of ten, she had been shipped off to South Africa, to live with her only living family. Her father's only sister, Zakiya.

Zakiya Foi and her husband, Ahmed Fawjee were poor people from Pietermaritzburg, who lived a very simple life. They had no children of their own nor did they have any inclination towards children. Though they took Amina in, theirs was not a warm, loving household. It was simply three people, joined by blood and family ties, who shared a common living space.

When Amina was 17 years old, her Foi, without any warning, passed away in her sleep. This left both Amina and Ahmed Fawjee in a dilemma.

Ahmed Fawjee was a very pious, and reserved man. He was saddened by the death of his wife, but the more pressing problem was Amina. With Zakiay gone, it was not proper for him to be living alone with Amina. She was a young, beautiful girl and he was not her mahram. At the same time, there was nobody else in this world who would take her in.

He considered re-marrying, but who would want a fifty year old man,saddled with a teenager, who may prove to be trouble.

Amina was actually a well adjusted young lady, who was mature beyond her years.

2 weeks after the janaza of his wife, Ahmed decided to speak to his sheikh regarding the matter. After jummah salah he approached Moulana Ibrahim and they spent an hour discussing the situation. Eventually Moulana Ibrahim said, " Ahmed, I do have a solution, but you may not approve. Don't reject it out right, think about it then we can take it from there."
Ahmed had been shocked at what Moulana Ibrahim had advised him, but as promised, he returned home intending to think it through.
That night he tossed and turned, unable to sleep, when eventually his footsteps took him to the musallah. He performed Salatul Istikhara and crawled back to bed.

" Ahmed Habib is married to Amina Siddique in lieu of of dowry set at R5000"


Ahmed awoke with a start. His course could not be clearer. He needed to follow Moulana Ibrahim's advise and marry Amina.
One hurdle had been crossed, but now how was he going to get consent from her.

On Saturday morning Amina was busy preparing Ahmed Fawjee's breakfast, when he walked in looking rather serious. Now that Zakiya Foi was not around their interactions were very awkward. Amina knew that it was not proper for them to be living together, but she had no where else to go.

"Amina, can we talk?" Ahmed Fawjee sat at the head of the table.
" Jee, Fawjee. What do you have on your mind?"
Ahmed avoided eye contact. How could he explain the situation to her without sounding like a lecherous old goat. He cleared his throat and just rushed in. He explained how since they were both strangers to each other, they could not be living together. How he could not leave her to fend for herself. How if she did stay with him, it would be a solace to him. Amina listened attentively, agreeing with all that he pointed out,until his last words.

" I would like to marry you, Amina. That way you will not lose your home, we will not be living in sin and I promise to be a patient husband. Once we make Nikah, our relationship is in your hands."
This was something Amina had never anticipated. She was a practical girl,not given to the usual romantic musing of girls her age. But even this was too much to handle.
" Can I think about it? "
Ahmed nodded his head," Take all the time you need. "

Amina spent the rest of the weekend deep in contemplation. She practically weighed the pro's and con's of the situation,and she always came back to the same conclusion. She should marry Ahmed Fawjee.

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