Tea Or Coffee (unedited)

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They say karma is a witch dressed in the disguise of your best friend. Saadiya could not agree more.

Surrounded by snotty tissues, chips and sweet wrappers, 2 empty tubs of ice cream and afew ice coffee cans, Saadiya couldn't help feeling depressed. It all came back and bit her in the bottom.

Now she sat gaining weight, depressed and doing everything she dispised. Saadiya the once popular queen bee now couldn't show her face in public.

Saadiya had a reputation, both at home and at school. At home she was known as the "Caffeine Killer" and at school she was known as the "Tea Queen". Anyone who knew Saadiya well enough understood the meaning of her titles immediately. Saadiya found it exciting to make a cup of tea.

Step 1: Choose a cup, it doesn't matter the size. In this case Saadiya's cup happened to be the grade R teacher at her school.

Step 2: Get your teabag, Earl Grey, breakfast brew, roiboss, anything. In this case Saadiya's teabag was the missing wedding ring from the teachers left hand.

Step 3: Add the suger, one teaspoon, two teaspoons or a whole dwallop. The sweeter the better. In this case Saadiya's sweet sweet dwallop of suger was the garde 10 boy who would seek into the classroom every Monday and Thursday at break.

Step 4: Fill the cup with just the right amount of boiling water, this was the easiest for Saadiya as her boiling water was  her boiling words filling the right ears.

Step 5: Add a soothing amount of creamy milk. This was the important part. After all the milk has to cool the tea enough to not burn herself, yet still keep the tea hot enough. And so Saadiya added enough excuses as her defense, the word 'But' being her heat that still kept the teacher and student a boiling cup.

Step 6:Get as many compliments as you can to surround the cup of tea, and make it tempting. Cakes of every flavor and biscuits of every shape and color. A few whispers in the right ears brought to Saadiya just the right amounts of compliments to her tea.

Step 7: The most important step, make sure to spill the tea and soak as many biscuits as you can, make sure to soil every cake, but most importantly make sure to not soil yourself. And so Saadiya had most of the school and important seniors soiled in her tea. All that was left was to watch how the cup broke. A beautiful and exciting experience in Saadiya's opinion.

Turns out the boy was the teachers nephew and she was giving him company at break because their whole family was doing the sunnat fasts every Monday and Thursday. As for her wedding ring, she had sent it to the jewelers to clean and repair and didn't get a chance to pick it up.
But who cared about the truth. Saadiya had soiled enough people to create an everlasting stain.

Going to the same school from grade R, up to grade 11 ment Saadiya got to make and and spill her tea all the time. Everyone knew everyone and so enimies and frenimies were easy for Saadiya to make with just afew words. However this time Saadiya took it to far, and messed herself.

Glancing down at her phone, Saadiya sobbed at finding not a single notification. It took years but finally Saadiya was learning her lesson, her life being someone else's tea.

"Hey Saadiya, why don't you come home with me, my brother is dying to see you." Maria her best friend asked her after school. Saadiya quickly agreed and phoned to let her mother know she was going home with Maria. Saadiya loved going there becouse of Maria's small brother Muaaz. At the age of 5 and with the energy of a monkey, Muaaz and Saadiya were quit the pair, as they played tag, soccer and cricket. Unbeknown to Saadiya, but her tea was slowly beinging to brew.

It started when a group of girls came to her while she was sat on a step eating her lunch. "So we heard you going to see Maria's brother again today,sooo tell us... How is he?"
And so Saadiya answered excitedly, "Ooh, his so handsome and energetic. The moment I enter the house he comes to kiss and hug me, his just soo adorable." The girls gave Saadiya a glare and left. Saadiya thought nothing of it even after many girls from all grades asked her about Maria's brother. That was untill she reached school early on Friday morning to afew girls talking." I can not belive Saadiya is so desperately running after Mikaeel. I mean isn't he married or something. What a cheap girl!"

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