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Sumayyah sat huddled under her blankets in her darkened bedroom. It was way past midnight. Thank Allah, the kids were tucked safely in bed. It seemed like tonight they would all get a reprieve from Afzal's temper. Sumayyah smiled thinking of her 2 children. They were her light in her otherwise dark and dreary existence.
Fatima, the baby was 5 years old and had just begun preschool, and Muhammed at the age of 7 was a quiet and mature boy for his age. They were both rather withdrawn and kept to themselves but this was not surprising considering their lives

Sumayyah gave a heartfelt sigh thinking back to almost 9 years ago. She remembered it like it was yesterday. Her mom, dad, and granny were all excited. 2 weeks prior Sumayyah had received a proposal from a good boy who hailed from a prominent Muslim family. Sumayyah's father, Ahmed was very thankful that such a proposal had come for his only daughter. He had brought her up, instilling in her good Islamic morals and values and she had never disappointed him. She donned her pardah with dignity and never complained about being restricted. He just hoped that his son-in-law would take good care of his precious rose.
Afzal's father was a Moulana and Afzal himself was a Hafizul Quraan. On many occasions, Ahmed had been in his company and he seemed like a good enough boy. Always smiling and ready to help at the drop of a hat and today was their nikkah. Ahmed had thought that he had made a good choice for his Sumayyah.

If only he knew......


The first time, Sumayyah was too stunned for words and even more shocked as she realized what had happened. Her cheek burned from the sting of Afzal's palm. Tears began streaming down her face, She could hear Afzal screaming and shouting, using vulgar language, and throwing the dishes on the floor. Then only as he towered over her and slapped her again, did she realize what was happening. It was too late to escape. Afzal kept on hitting and hitting and sometimes even kicking her and swearing all because she had not cooked what he had asked her to. It was not even her fault as she did not have proper ingredients and had no way of getting them during the day.

Sumayyah and Afzal lived in their own home. Afzal was rich. Every room was furnished in the best, but Sumayyah was kept as a prisoner. During the day she had access to the toilet, the kitchen, and the pantry. The kitchen was huge and equipped with top-of-the-range appliances, however Afzal was very stingy with supplies. He personally shopped for groceries weekly and had never allowed Sumayyah any luxuries. After her marriage, Sumayyah had felt stifled but she'd never thought to complain. She'd been thought that a good Muslim girl never complains and definitely not about her husband. He had not violated her rights in any way. She had food, clothes, and a roof over her head. He did not object to her purdah nor did he stop her from doing any worship. He was not warm and caring, in fact, he barely spoke to her and any intimate contact was reserved for behind closed doors.

Today  was the first time he had struck her. He eventually left her bruised and beaten on the dining room floor. Slowly Sumayyah eased herself to her feet and dragged herself to the bathroom. She was shocked at the sight that greeted her in the mirror. Her left eye was bruised and swollen shut, there was a tear on her right cheek oozing blood and her lips were a mass of pulped flesh. She cleaned up as best she could, applied some antiseptic ointment, and went to clean up the mess in the dining room. That night she spent the night alone which was a relief. She didn't think she could have responded to Afzal in any way.

2 Weeks later: Ring Ring...Sumayyah answered the call hoping it was her nani. She enjoyed speaking to her family and getting news of what was happening at home. However, her face fell 
when she realized it was Afzal. She listened to him with only half an ear until a few words penetrated her mind.
" The doctor said the results are positive."
"What did you say, sorry, I didn't hear properly?” Sumayyah asked. Sounding impatient Afzal repeated" The pregnancy test results came back positive!"

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