Chapter 18

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Here is Jungkook laughing hard for 3 minutes, for serotonin boost.


Jungkook's POV

Did Jimin hyung wink at Jia?

"Jinjja?" I muttered in disbelief. This kid starts flirting with anyone he sees! It was ok always but I felt a sense of discomfort this time, I shook my head. Calm down Jungkook-ah!

"Yahh, I smell something good" V hyungie said getting up. 

I could smell it too. V hyung pulled at my shirt and I got the signal as I got up with him. 

"5 minutes" Jimin hyung mumbled as started to lie down again. 

V hyung just pulled him up again. 

"Its 12:30 in the afternoon" V hyung said as he drank water from the bottle kept on the ground. It must be hers I thought.

Jimin hyung groaned and got up and the three of us walked out Jia's room. She was setting the table ready when we reached the kitchen. I could see fried rice and dalgona coffee, brunch was going to be good today.

My heart give a quick lurch when I looked at Jia, her hair looked super nice today, it was still a little wet which made her look more attractive. She had worn the same shirt she was wearing when she first came here and black sweats.

I sat on the chair and pulled out my phone to distract myself from Miss Man, what did I do last night? I knew it was embarrassing because V hyung and Jia kept looking at me and laughing.

"Someone give me a painkiller" Rap Mon hyung groaned as he held his head. 

Thank god, I had already taken one. I smirked at Namjoon hyung. 

"Aww, whiny leader" He gave me a glare. I instantly looked to the other side, and gulped . Namjoon hyung can be scary when he wanted to.

I scrolled through my phone's gallery. It was filled with photos of ARMY in various venue of our tour.

I also had some pictures of Hobi hyung's birthday party. I smiled as I remembered the Vlive on that day. 

"We are going to be flying off soon" V hyung commented.

My heart fluttered when I thought of it. Seeing army again would be such a  relief. Jimin hyung was talking to Jia, he leaned in and whispered something to her which made her laugh loudly, her eyes were half closed as those miraculous dimples appeared. The only part I didn't like was Jimin hyung leaning in-thats it. 

 I was about to get up and tell me to not do whatever he was doing when Jimin hyung sat on the chair to my right. I really wanted to ask him what they were talking about but I couldn't, wouldn't that sound too desperate? I wanted to distract myself so I put some rice on my plate and dug in. It tasted so good.

"Yahh! This is so good" Hobi hyung exclaimed and Jia gave a quick and dramatic bow. I chuckled at her silliness. 

Everyone clapped playing along with her. Yoongi hyung was watching her like a dad. I got a strange tingling feeling in my stomach watching her and my brothers interact like a family. 

****Sorry for the sudden POV change!

Author's pov

Jia carefully pulled the cookie container- a blue plastic box with white lid- and placed it beneath her t-shirt. Everyone was busy eating, this was the perfect to sneak in some cookies.

Those were the last 3 pieces left of the cookies she had made for Hobi's birthday. These boys had loved them so much that she had made a separate stash for herself. If the maknae line found it out, they won't let her have those delicious soft chewy cookies. Jia's thought came to a sudden halt when she accidently dropped the box.

Shit! She cursed herself. She bent and picked it up, acting like nothing happened but there was someone who had already noticed it. Jungkook always caught himself looking at Jia but his eyes caught something else today- the container.

"What's that Jia-iee?" His voice shocked Jia and she gave him an awkward smile.


The other members thought it was quite normal for Jia to drop things because of her clumsiness. Jia quietly took little steps towards her room hoping that Jungkook wouldn't find it weird.

But Jungkook always looked at Jia a little more closely, giving her a little more thought than he gave anyone else- it had been like that since the day he had seen her big eyes moist with tears. The innocence in them, he had found it attractive and fascinating at the same time. 

He noticed she was going towards her room so, out of curiosity he followed her with his eyes. Jia opened the container when she had thought no one was looking at her and sighed at her broken cookies.

"Atleast I will have 3 of them" She sighed to herself. 

Unfortunately it wasn't the case because Jungkook had seen it and rushed to her to get himself some cookies. 

Jia saw him and ran away onto the stairs as the youngest two laughed and chased each other. One running to save her cookies, the other to have some cookies.

"Jungkook shii, its mine" Jia chuckled as she ducked under Jungkook's huge arms and sprinted inside a room. Jungkook's head was thrown back as he skidded through the house giggling and laughing loudly.

"Share and no one gets hurt!" Jungkook's laughter was audible even downstairs, where the members just looked fond and relaxed that their maknae was having fun.

After 2018, Jungkook had became so silent, the members were happy that he was getting back to his usual self. After all, they were his hyungs and wanted their little brother to be as happy as worldly possible.

On the first floor Jia and Jungkook played a game of cat and mouse as they moved in and out of all the four rooms, giggling and negotiating like little kids. This went on until Jungkook had cornered Jia in his room.

He was walking slowly towards her as she hurriedly opened the container and ate a big piece of cookie.

"Don't!" Jungkook threatened but giggled later when Jia stuck her tongue out at him.

"Its mine, I made it" Jia childishly hid the container behind her.

"We can share" This was it, Jia thought as he was almost too near her.

Jungkook was standing near to the wall, towering over Jia. They were unknowingly very close now, laughter dying down.

"Just one" Jungkook gave her his puppy eyes and Jia cursed herself for losing to him. 

She opened the box as they both finished the cookies in no time. They both hadn't realized how close they were until the box was empty.

The youngest, had crushed on each other but have been to nervous to admit. But standing like this, like lovers made their hearts flutter. 

Jia tried to memorize this feeling, that adorable doe eyed gazed and those bunny teeth, she won't have them for long, she thought as she drank in his features.

Jungkook was too scared to get Jia involved with him, he couldn't find courage to convey his feeling- no matter how much he wanted to. The other reason was his position, he was a budding Idol, he did not want to risk her- especially not her. He had seen what idols had to go through and he didn't want Jia to go through it.

But no matter how much they wanted to deny their feelings, love was always stronger then any of denials.


I honestly don't know how I feel about this chapter, but I hope you enjoy it.

Also, we just crossed 100 reads! YAYYY!!

I will see you in the next chapter.

Bye bye 👋👋

Stuti 💜💜

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