Chapter 24

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The Love Yourself tour was coming to an end, this was the second  last concert. The boys had just came in after sound check and this was the time when the green room exploded into chaos. We could hear ARMYs in here, it reminded of someone- of me enjoying with my friends. I was brought of my dream by a tap on the shoulder.

"Yes sir?" I replied to Tae- he was the one who had tapped my shoulder.

"I am ready to get started" I nodded and picked out a toner for his face- skincare before makeup no matter what. I sprayed it on his face and deliberately kept his mouth open and then grimaced at the taste.

"I thought you would use another one, but this is the same" he sounded disappointed.

 My eyes widened with shock- he had tasted his toner? What does he even do in the green room? I kept doing my stuff while he kept clicking mirror selfies. He looked good in all those. We were now 5 minutes before the concert. So like always, I gave him a fresh spray of facial mist and  fluffed his blue hair. I liked this color on him. On the other hand I could hear Ha-eun unnie scolding Jungkook shii for not sitting straight. Oh god I will have to deal with him the next whole tour- god save me.

The spare group came in and signaled that they had completed the water bottle duty. The pre concert video began to play. I carefully arranged some blotting papers, powder and facial mist and took all the products out of my way, my partner- Jae oppa placed his next outfit on the rack and began straightening it with a steaming machine. The oppas with the fans and air containers started working too- we had to be done within 5 minutes. I double checked any errors in the clothes and Jae oppa checked my makeup stash.

The boys came rushing in- my heart beat quickened- this was it. I had practiced it on Aera unnie during the vacation, I can do it. I cheered myself up. V shii stood near to me and took of his shirt, I closed my eyes immediately.

"Yah! Get me my outfit" He sounded in a rush, right! This wasn't the time for formalities. I gave him the outfits while Oppa styled his hair again, my hands were shaking as he started changing his pants jumping slightly when removing it. I had to control myself from closing my eyes. 

Relax Sia!

I dabbed blotting paper on his face while oppa worked on his shoes. We were announced that only 30 seconds were remaining, my hands started shaking badly. I dusted some powder on his face to stop oils and he coughed because some had gone into his nose.

"Sorry, sorry" I didn't have time to bow and he was already running back to stage. I sighed, I had to do better than this! I felt so let down by myself.

"Jia! Focus!" Suni unnie scolded me and I gulped and nodded. I felt ashamed of my own actions, I didn't have time to be nervous or for any type of formalities.

This time when V came in for the change I took off his jacket and placed a blotting sheet on his forehead, oppa was working on the outfit and I calmed my hands down and properly set his makeup and jewelry, he gave me a small smile before dashing off.


We were in the hotel after the concert- I shared my room with Suni Unnie. She stormed in when I had just completed my shower- I was wearing mang pajamas today. Wearing my bias' pajamas after crying on my actions felt like a good comfort.

"What the hell were you doing, Man Jia?" I jumped at her sudden outburst. I rubbed at my tired eyes, I really did not want to hear the complaints right now. 

"Uff!" She slammed the door.

My heart kept thumping against my ribcage. I hated violence or shouting, it made me anxious, it reminded me of my uncle a little too much.

"You messed up 2 out of 3 times" She sounded annoyed. I hung my head low. I knew that, the last time he was about 20 seconds delayed because of me.

"Closing your eyes when the boys are changing, how are you going to help then? Missy?" She kept her handbag a little loudly on the table.

"Sorry- sorry U-u-u-nnie" I was stuttering bad. This was bad. I couldn't focus on anything now. I could feel myself trembling, I was so guilty.

"You should be, you better not do this again" Tears formed in my eyes, no one has ever been this harsh on me. Not even Run BTS producer when I filled in  as a camera director and the footage wasn't as good when I had move along with the members- he had corrected me. 

I small sob escaped my throat and Unnie's head snapped up to me.

"Jia" She said, much softly this time. I looked at her, my vision too blurry to make out her expression.

"Aww, Unnie scolded you too much, didn't she?" I just nodded at her sweet words- I preferred her like this. Somewhat sweet- sweeter than she was to everyone. Unnie always brought me chocolate milk since the day she came to know I liked it.

A brown tetra pack came into my vision. "Here, drink it and stop crying" She wasn't wiping my tears or hugging me, no that was not her way of comforting but it was enough to make my tears stop.

"I will work harder next time" I hiccupped the words. She just hummed. I will do better next time, I promised myself and with that drank my favorite chocolate milk. That was always mom's line after she failed- she was one of the strongest women I had seen, I wanted to be like her. Suni unnie would love mom, they were too alike.

I didn't want to be the whiny brat I always was, I wanted to change, to work harder I realized. These people BTS and their staff worked so hard, even if they couldn't working with them made me work harder.

"I was stressed because V's manager was fixing to fire you and I didn't want that. Ok, do better next time" She said while she pulled some clothes and went to the room. I wiped my tears with the sleeve of my shirt and threw the empty pack away. My phone notified a notification. It was Jungkook. He rarely texts me what was up now?

"You did great, it was your first time. V hyung is also proud, ok. Don't worry" My worried frown seemed to slowly turn to a small smile. I read the text a couple of more times for more than one reason- some even I couldn't pinpoint, and I felt a little relaxed.

Another message from V read.

"Don't mind my manager ok, You did great best-tea" I chuckled at this. Another message from V popped

"No one is firing you" I laughed and sent a kind thank you to both of them. I will work hard for sure.


Happy Hobi day everyone. Honestly, he inspires me a lot and so my main character's bias is Hobaaaa!

Also I am getting late to work, bye bye 👋👋

Stuti  😘😘

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