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egypt aaliyah ali

"i don't even got a baby bump and you already buying shit," i laughed as luca bought in the baby lounge chair

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"i don't even got a baby bump and you already buying shit," i laughed as luca bought in the baby lounge chair.

"yeah but it's on the way and that's all that matters," luca said dragging it into the room.

"so this is all you got me for christmas then?" i raised an eyebrow.

"girl no just wait there," he waved me off going to grab something in the closet.

"you got a lil sass there luca ima need you to tone it down," i eyed him.

"you not my momma," he said coming back with two boxes in his hand.

"let's see whatchu got me chile," i said grabbing the boxes and sitting on the bed. i put the smallest box to the side and went to the two big chanel boxes at the bottom.

"i know you can get ts on yo own but i like spoiling you," he smiled as i opened the first box. it was the big pink chanel bag i been wanting.

"yesss it's giving big E not the lil one purrrr," i grinned as i pulled it out just staring at it. "aight if the next one is what i think it is you getting your dick sucked tonight,"

"shiiii," he said smiling to himself. i opened the second chanel box and it was a pair of grey and black chanel runners.

"thank you baby," i smiled hugging him and kissing him on the cheek.

"open the last one you gon love that one," he said nodding towards it. i grabbed the jewellery box and saw a ring. it was bigger than the engagement ring he got me and had our initials on it.

"ain't no way bro," i said just staring at it in awe, "luca you didn't have to," i said close to tears. whole ass ring and it's not even my birthday yet.

"i know ian have to, i wanted to," he smiled taking the box from me. he took the ring out and placed it on my finger slowly.

"this is niceeeee," i said holding my hand up in the air, "okay lemme hold these tears back, it's time for your gifts,"
i said getting up and going under the tree. i grabbed the three boxes and placed them on his lap. i quickly grabbed the jewellery box and held it behind my back.

"open them first," i said referring to the other two boxes. i had got him a new pair of shoes and this louis bag he wanted which had him gassed cos he didn't think i'd get it for him.

"aight gimme," he said snatching the jewellery box from my hand. he unwrapped it then looked up at me with a smirk. "whatchu got me?"

"open it and find out," i grinned eager for him to open his presents.

"hmm," he said opening the box. he pulled out a custom tennis chain i got for him. the pendant had a picture of him and debo from when luca was like sixteen or something.

"bro..." he said holding it up in the air and just looked at it. his eyes started to water a lil and he tried to blink the tears but soon they started dropping.

"isobel found that picture for me," i said, "i was gonna get this for your birthday but i thought it'd be a great christmas present instead,"

luca didn't say anything. he put the chain down and got up, pulling me into the tightest hug. i heard him sniffing meaning he was crying which made me tear up too. we just stood there hugging and quiet crying for at least five minutes.

"what did i ever do to deserve someone like you dawg? ion deserves ts at all," he said.

"don't say that," i said pulling away to look at him, "you deserve everything," i wiped some of his tears away.

"thank you," he said. i went to get the chain and stood on the bed so i could put it on for him. "this deadass gotta be the best present i've ever gotten bro," he said taking a video on his phone, "thank you baby," he said putting the camera on me.

"you're welcome," i said wrapping my arms around his head and pecking him on the lips.

"can we drop off everyone's gifts tomorrow? ion feel like going today," i said getting down to start cleaning up the wrapping paper.

"whatever you want," he said posting the video on his ig story.

after i finished we went downstairs to eat breakfast. we spent the rest of the day watching christmas movies and talking about our baby on the way.

i could never imagine me pregnant ever but here i am and although i was really nervous i was also very excited and couldn't wait until i started to show.

"we gotta do one of them ghetto couple pictures," luca blurted out.

"hell yeah," i nodded, "but i wanna do it before i get my bump,"

"no i'm talking bout with yo bump. so i can do a little heart around it,"

"you're so- i can't even," i laughed.

egypt is how i wanna be with these niggas: kind, loving and caring. but men make me wish i had heart disease or cancer or some other type of life threatening sickness.
okay gone until further notice ❤️.

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