Chapter 19

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Matthews POV

Alison said her head was hurting so I called Nurses and doctors they came in and she held my hand. They gave her medicine and the nurse told her to hang in their, what does that mean, she can't die. Not now. A few moments later she fell back, I am really worried for her, they told me to wait in the waiting room and I left.

I waited in the waiting room and then Ali's mom came to me. "What happened?" "I have no idea, her head was hurting and then she fell back." I started crying and then the doctors, came out and said "Alison Brooks Dallas," Me and Ali's mom stood up and walked over. "Please follow me," We followed him and we were in front of Ali's door,

"Well Alison had a panic attack, with all the drama happening and her worrying about Cameron, that's what started the panic attack. We think she might go into coma, because this was a very unusual panic attack. We are just gonna have to wait and see if she wakes up." What no she can't be in coma too. I nodded and asked "Can I see her," he nodded and showed me the way.

I entered and she had one of those breathing tubes on. I walked over to her and grabbed her hand. "Alison,if your in coma, please wake up, for me for Cam, we love you and we need you, especially Cam, we can't survive without you. Your the only thing he needs. If you don't wake up, we understood you already woke up from coma, if it's time," I started crying.

"Please, wake up," I kissed her forehead, and left. I went into Cams room, "Hey Cam, please wake up, please, I can't loose both of my best friends. You probably don't know this but Alison had a panic attack and they think she went into coma. All the stress and her worrying for you is what they think caused the panic attack." I stared at him and he looked so calm. "Cam, please I can't live without both my best friends. Plus Alison needs you and you need her."

I wiped my tears and walked out. "Wait, Matthew," I turned around and Cam was their sitting up. "Cameron, oh my gosh your awake." I walked over to him and hugged him. "Matt, what do you mean that Alison possibly might be in coma." I nodded and explained, "She had a panic attack and they think she went into coma." He started crying.

"I need to see her." I nodded and helped him up, I walked over and opened the door for him.

Cameron's POV

I woke up to hearing that Alison might have gone into coma agian. I told Matt to take me to her and he did. I entered and saw her on the bed. Her stitches her bruises and cuts, she even had a breathing tube. I walked over to her and started crying. "Alison, I am so sorry for this, it's all my fault, that driver was coming and I couldn't protect you. I'm so sorry, I love you and I don't now what to do if you go. But you already woke up from coma, so it's ok if you don't. I love you and I can't live without you, I miss you so much." I held her hand and then a doctor walked in.

"Cameron, your awake?" I nodded and he told me, "Cameron, please go to your room and Matthew can you please wait outside. I nodded and kissed Alison's check and left. I walked to my room and got in my bed. A few minutes later, a doctor walked in. "Cam how are feeling." "Well, not so good my body feels fine, but my heart it's crushed, Alison can't be in coma agian." He nodded and walked to me.

"I think you'll be fine, so you may go home, your mom brought you some clothes, let me get them." I nodded and he went to get them. I waited for him to come and a few minutes later he entered the room with some pants, one of my white shirts and a jacket. He gave them to me and I walked to the restroom and put my clothes on. I went back and grabbed my phone.

I saw my mom in the waiting room and I walked to her. She saw me and ran to me, "Cameron, I'm glad your ok and awake. I love you so much, now we just need your sister Alison to wake up." I nodded and she signed me out. "Mom, I wanna see Alison," she nodded and I asked the lady behind the desk, "May I see Alison Brooks Dallas," she nodded and told me the room number. I walked their and opened the door.

"Alison, I'm able to go home, but I don't want to leave you, I know that your in coma, but you can still hear and see everything I do. And Im gonna go through this with you, I'm not gonna leave you I'm gonna be here until you wake up." I grabbed one of the chairs and pulled it by her. I sat down and held her hand. "Why did this have to happen to you, it's all my fault. I can't believe I broke a promise." I cried and touched her face, I looked at how beautiful her face is and all her features.

She was so beuitful, I can't help it, I can't believe I did this to her. "Alison, I love you and I have been so happy with you, do you still have your charm braclet?" I waited for a response but it was quiet, "Right you can't talk," I took her arm and saw that she still had her braclet. I got out something from my pocket, it was another charm.

It was a charm that was shaped like a suitcase and said I will never leave you. I put it in front of her face so she could see it, I then got her wrist and clipped the charm on. "I will be right back, I'm gonna get a snack." I left and closed the door I walked to the cafeteria and went to a vending machine.

All the snacks in their are like the ones me and Alison would eat when we watched a movie or did something together. I left and went back to Alison rooms, I entered and sat back in my seat. I grabbed her hand and said "Their was nothing I can eat in their everything reminded me of what we used to eat." I checked my phone and it was 10pm, I yawned and I got in Alison's bed. I laid her head on my chest and fell asleep their.

Alison's POV

I can't believe Cameron woke up, I wanna wake up so bad so I can be with him, but I don't think I have the strength too. The day he woke up he came to me but the doctor told him to leave. Later he came in wearing a white shirt, some jeans, and a jacket. He looked cute, but his eyes were so red. He came to me and told me how he loved me and he wasn't gonna leave my side.

He got out a box from his pocket, and opened the box their was a charm in their. He put it in my face and it was shaped in a suitcase and said I will never leave you. I can't believe he got me another charm, I love him so much.He slipped it on my braclet and went to get a snack, he came back with nothing and said nothing in their was good. He got in my bed and fell asleep with me next to him. I need to wake up, but I'm feeling more weak everyday I just don't think I will make it this time.

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